Argonne National Laboratory Media Center

NY Times Web site features video by Argonne, collaborators

ARGONNE, Ill. (May 28, 2007) — The New York Times web site features an animated video, developed by Argonne researcher Paul Fischer in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago as part of a story about the causes and treatment of stroke.

The video was created by:

  • Francis Loth, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Hisham Bassiouny, University of Chicago
  • Paul Fischer, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Thomas Royston, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Also contributing were Seung Lee, Sang-Wook Lee, Wojciech Kalata and Raymond Matthes.

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    For more information, please contact Eleanor Taylor (630/252-5510 or at Argonne.


For more information, please contact Eleanor Taylor (630/252-5510 or at Argonne.

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