Argonne National Laboratory Media Center

Image Library - Nuclear Engineering

These images from Argonne's research image library are available for your use with an Argonne acknowledgement. They are provided here as 300 dpi jpegs. If you need other images or a higher quality image, please contact us at


Electrorefining is a technology to help reduce the amount of high-level nuclear waste for long-term storage.

Electrorefining technology

Argonne has developed a revolutionary process that in one step converts spent commercial nuclear fuel, which is a ceramic oxide, into metal. The product can then be treated with Argonne's electrorefining technology to recover the uranium and transuranic elements for recycling into new fuel. Argonne chemist Laurel Barnes prepares for a test of the metal-oxide conversion process in a glove box. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
This image shows the core of a pressurized water reactor.
Modeling Nuclear Reactor Cores

Nuclear engineers use advanced computing tools to predict fuel and coolant temperatures throughout the reactor's core during normal and abnormal conditions. This image shows the core of a pressurized water reactor. The colors illustrate temperature around the fuel pins shown as white circles.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
Argonne experts join Armenian engineers to inspect this plant to identify weaknesses.
International nuclear safety

Argonne experts in nuclear reactor technology are helping make reactors designed and built under the Soviet Union safer and more reliable. The experts joined Armenian engineers to inspect this plant to identify weaknesses. This diesel generator, which provides vital power to the plant in case an earthquake interferes with the plant's operation, was found to be safe. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
Argonne experts in nuclear reactor technology perform seismic safety inspections in an Armenian reactor.
International nuclear safety

Argonne experts in nuclear reactor technology perform seismic safety inspections in an Armenian reactor. This work helps make reactors designed and built under the Soviet Union safer and more reliable. The pipe near the ceiling, which leads from the spent-fuel cooling pump, was identified as unsafe. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
Argonne experts in nuclear reactor technology check newly installed earthquake-resistant supports underneath an emergency confinement cooling tank at an Armenain nuclear power plant.
International nuclear safety

Argonne experts in nuclear reactor technology check newly installed earthquake-resistant supports underneath an emergency confinement cooling tank at an Armenain nuclear power plant. This work helps make reactors designed and built under the Soviet Union safer and more reliable. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004

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