Argonne National Laboratory Media Center

Image Library - General Argonne Images

These images from Argonne's research image library are available for your use with an Argonne acknowledgement. They are provided here as 300 dpi jpegs. If you need other images or a higher quality image, please contact us at


Aerial view of Argonne's Illinois site


Aerial view of Argonne's Illinois site

This view, from almost a mile in the air, shows part of Argonne National Laboratory's Illinois site. The site, about 25 miles southwest of Chicago, comprises about 1,500 wooded acres. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
Aerial view of the Advanced Photon Source
Aerial view of the Advanced Photon Source

The Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory produces the most brilliant X-rays in the Western Hemisphere. The intense, highly collimated X-ray beams are used in many fields of study, from research into new materials to drug design. Scientists from many universities, medical schools, research laboratories and industrial firms have formed research teams to use the facility. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
Center for Nanoscale Materials
Center for Nanoscale Materials

The Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne is adjacent to the Advanced Photon Source. The center is one of five nationwide funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Center for Nanoscale Materials is a joint partnership between the Department of Energy and the State of Illinois. The State of Illinois provided $36 million to construct the 85,000-square foot building, and DOE provided an additional $36 million to develop and build the facility's advanced instrumentation. Argonne National Laboratory image.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
Artist's conception of the Howard T. Ricketts Center at Argonne
Howard T. Ricketts Center at Argonne

The University of Chicago will build the Howard T. Ricketts Center at Argonne for research on biodefense programs and emerging infectious diseases. Funding comes primarily from the National Institutes of Health with contributions from the State of Illinois and the University of Chicago. The University of Chicago Image.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004

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