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Transwestern Commercial Services:

In Practice

Partner Profile

Transwestern Commercial Services (TCS) is a privately held, full-service real estate firm operating in 24 cities across the United States.  TCS provides services, such as property management, leasing, tenant representation and corporate advisory, to a broad range of space types including office, industrial, retail and multi-family.

Commercial Real Estate Partner Since 2001

Awards & Recognition

  • Leadership in Energy Management 2004
  • Partner of the Year 2005
  • Sustained Excellence 2007,2006
  • Sustained Excellence 2008

Contact Information:
Transwestern Commercial Services
1900 West Loop South Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77027

In Practice

3: Set Goals

See this Guideline Step

3.2: Estimate Potential for Improvement

Informed Decision-makers Approve Improvements

When Transwestern Commercial Services (TCS) identified energy management as the competitive advantage that would set it apart from its competitors, it soon realized its challenge: compiling the documentation needed to justify a capital expense on energy performance improvements.

TCS used EPA's Portfolio Manager to prioritize upgrade recommendations and calculate the financial value of improvements for its clients. Using this information, TCS presents multiple investment scenarios, such as a low-cost investment ($0.05 per square foot) in improved operational practices; a "mid" investment ($1.10 per square foot) in lighting system improvements; and a large investment ($2.30 per square foot) in comprehensive mechanical system improvements. For each scenario, TCS estimates savings in terms such as increased asset value, Net Operating Income (NOI), simple payback, and the anticipated energy performance rating.
This approach enabled TCS to perform over $8 million worth of energy-efficient upgrades across its portfolio in 2004, saving an average of 15 to 30 percent per building.

5: Implement Action Plan

See this Guideline Step

5.1: Create a Communication Plan

Effective Communications for Each Audience Group

When Transwestern Commercial Services (TCS) became an ENERGY STAR partner in 2002, it decided to establish energy conservation as a well-publicized cornerstone of its property management services. To do so, the firm needed a plan to communicate to employees, staff, tenants, clients and the general public - a task assigned to the newly established Energy Team. The Team outlined an effective method, a standard timeline, and pertinent messages for each audience group. For example, the most efficient and effective way to deliver messages internally was via regular memoranda and e-mail communiqués to its twenty-two markets across the U.S., while the most effective way to communicate to its clients was through personalized presentations.

Prospective tenants responded to glossy brochures, media placements, broker participation, and Awards recognition, while existing tenants responded to property newsletters, memos, and posters within the building. For its service and product providers, energy-saving language was incorporated into the contracts. By carefully choosing the most effective communications vehicle for each of its audience groups, TCS was able to establish the tangible link between energy conservation and its brand.
The result is a client base that approved more than $8 million worth of energy-efficient upgrades in 2004, and an increase in portfolio asset value, attributed to energy conservation, by as much as $750 million from 2002 to 2004.