OPM Seal United States
Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 01-322 Date: August 22, 2001


The July 2001 issue of Modernizing Today provides information on, "Accepting and Communicating Change." There are several interesting articles including -

  • The Modernization Boardwalk --Where We Were and Where We are Going at http://www.opm.gov/retire/modern/boardwalk.pdf
  • The continued successful implementation of the Benefits Calculator
  • A Modernization interview, and
  • other featured items
You can find this issue at: http://www.opm.gov/retire/modern/v3issue2.pdf and more about the Modernization effort on our web site at www.opm.gov/retire/modern.

If you should have any questions concerning this or any other Benefits Administration Letters, please call us at (202) 606-0606, or send an email to finance@opm.gov.


Robert A. Yuran, Chief
Financial Policy Staff

Download Letter as PDF File: Adobe Acrobat PDF File

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