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Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 01-307 Date: January 19, 2001

Subject: Joint Benefits Officer/Payroll Meeting

On January 25, 2001, at 10:00 in the OPM Auditorium, there will be a joint meeting of benefits officers and payroll officials. At this session, a representative of the Social Security Administration will discuss its new capability to allow employers to transmit Form W-2 information over the internet. In addition, there will be presentations on the implementation of long-term care and FERCCA. We believe you will find this session informative and urge your attendance. Please call us on (202) 606-0606 if you have any questions, or via email at finance@opm.gov.


Robert A. Yuran, Chief
Financial Policy Staff

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Page created January 19, 2001