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Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 01-301 Date: January 2, 2001

Subject: Introducing "Payroll and Financial Management Guidance"

This is our first Payroll and Financial Management Guidance Benefits Administration Letter. As you recall, we informed you in Payroll Office Letter and Financial Management Letter, P-00-18 and F-00-04, respectively, of this new approach to deliver information to you about the Federal employee benefit programs.

As you can see, Payroll and Financial Management Guidance is being issued as a Series 300 Benefits Administration Letter. The chart below shows the Benefits Administration Letter structure:

100Retirement Policy and Process Issues
200Insurance Policy and Process Issues
300Payroll and Financial Management Guidance
400FEHB Open Season Guidance
500Reserved for Future Use
600Reserved for Future Use
700Miscellaneous Issues

In the near future, we will issue guidance enabling you to subscribe to our new online FINANCIAL AND PAYROLL INFORMATION MAILING LIST -- FIN-PAY. By subscribing to FIN-PAY, you will automatically receive by email all of our Payroll and Financial Management Guidance issuances.

If you have any questions regarding this information, we would prefer that you email us at finance@opm.gov. You may also phone us on (202) 606-0606.

Robert A. Yuran
Chief, Financial Policy Staff

Download Letter as PDF File: Adobe Acrobat PDF File

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Page created 2 January 2001