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Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 01-204 Date: February 9, 2001

Subject: Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program: Opportunity for Enrollees of M-Care Health Plan, Enrollment Code EG, to Change Enrollment

M-CARE, enrollment code EG, in the State of Michigan, recently notified us of a serious provider network problem in Battle Creek, Michigan. A large physician group (Integrated Health Partners Physician Hospital Organization) canceled participation in the M-CARE network. Consequently, members do not have adequate access to Plan providers in the Battle Creek, Michigan area.

We are authorizing an opportunity for all affected M-CARE enrollees to change enrollment. The opportunity to change enrollment will begin immediately and continue through March 1, 2001. Agencies may apply the cutoff date liberally if necessary. The effective date of all enrollment changes will be the first day of the pay period in which an enrollee makes the change.

The Plan will send the attached notice to all affected enrollees advising them of the provider network disruption shortly.

Note: If enrollees are uncertain whether or not they are affected by the provider network disruption, please have them contact M-CARE at 1-800-658-8878. In the event that a member needs care prior to switching plans, they should contact M-CARE directly.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Abby L. Block, Chief
Insurance Policy
   and Information Division


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Page created 9 February 2001