OPM Seal United States
Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 01-114 Date: October 15, 2001

Subject: Revision of FERS Application for Immediate Retirement, SF3107

The Office of Personnel Management has revised Standard Form (SF) 3107, Application for Immediate Retirement/Federal Employees Retirement System. This form is used by Federal employees applying for immediate retirement. The new edition of SF 3107, dated April 2000, is currently available. The previous editions are no longer usable.

Section H of the SF 3107, which includes the Direct Deposit election options available to the applicant, has been revised. Public Law 104-134 requires that most Federal payments be paid by Direct Deposit into a savings or checking account at a financial institution. However, if receiving the payment electronically would cause a financial hardship, or a hardship because of a disability, or because of a geographic, language or literacy barrier, the applicant now has the option of waiving the Direct Deposit requirement, and continuing to receive the payment by check.

In addition, a clarification has been added to the Spouse's Consent to Survivor Election (SF 3107-2), which is attached to SF 3107. This form must be signed by the retiree's spouse if the retiree does not elect the maximum survivor benefit for his/her spouse. The SF 3107-2 has been revised to include a statement that the spouse's health benefits coverage will terminate upon the retiree's death, if no survivor annuity is payable.

The final change to the form is a revision of the instructions for individuals receiving military retired pay. Addresses have been included for verifying certain types of military retired pay awards.

The information pamphlet that accompanies the SF 3107, has also been revised to reflect the Direct Deposit language change. This pamphlet should be given to all individuals applying for immediate retirement under the Federal Employees Retirement System. The pamphlet is called Applying for Immediate Retirement Under the Federal Employees Retirement System (SF 3113). The new edition date is May 2001. It includes information on eligibility for immediate retirement, continuing health benefits and life insurance coverage into retirement, applying for benefits, payments and survivor benefits. The previous editions of this pamphlet are no longer usable.

The SF 3107 and SF 3113 can be ordered from the General Services Administration's (GSA) Federal Supply Service using the normal FEDSTRIP/MILSTRIP procedures. Ordering information is provided below.

Form Number Title of Form National Stock No. Estimated Cost
SF 3107 Application for Immediate Retirement 7540-01-255-3670 $ 14.89 per 100
SF 3113 Applying for Immediate Retirement 7540-01-385-7440 $ 15.80 per 100
SF 3107 and SF 3113 can also be accessed from our web site at www.opm.gov.


Raymond J. Kirk, Acting Director
Benefits Officers Resource Center
Retirement and Insurance Service

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