OPM Logo United States
Office of
Personnel Management

The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency

Retirement and Insurance Service
Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 01-109 Date: June 26, 2001

Subject: OPM Form 1536 - Former Spouse's Application for Survivor Annuity under the Civil Service Retirement System


In 1985 when the law was changed to provide survivor annuity benefits for former spouses, OPM designed Form 1536 because there was no provision in Standard Form 2800, Application for Death Benefits, for former spouses to apply using the standard form. Standard Form 2800 and Standard Form 2800-1, the explanation booklet, both dated May 2000, provide information and instructions that include former spouses.

Policy: OPM Form 1536 is obsolete. Please give former spouses SF 2800 when you assist them in applying for death benefits under the Civil Service Retirement System.


Sidney M. Conley
Assistant Director
     for Retirement Programs

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Page created 26 June 2001