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Estimating Survival Estimates for Migrant Juvenile Salmonids Passing Through the Dalles Dam Using Radio-telemetry

As anadromous juvenile salmonids migrate from freshwater rearing habitats to the ocean, they are vulnerable to a host of factors that affect their survival. Direct effects associated with dam passage (e.g., instantaneous mortality, injury, loss of equilibrium, etc.) and indirect effects (e.g., predation, disease, and physiological stress) More...

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Evaluating Survival Estimates for Migrant Juvenile Salmonids Passing Through the John Day Dam Using Radio-telemetry

As anadromous juvenile salmonids migrate from freshwater rearing habitats to the ocean, they are vulnerable to a host of factors that affect their survival. Direct effects associated with dam passage (e.g., instantaneous mortality, injury, loss of equilibrium, etc.) and indirect effects (e.g., predation, disease, and physiological stress) More...

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