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Infrastructure Division (SC-31.2)

DOE Good Practice Guides

The Office of Field Management has issued a series of 33 Good Practice Guides under DOE Order 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset Management (LCAM). Each guide describes the good practices used throughout DOE and industry for its specific topic, and provides examples of performance objectives, criteria, and measures. Click on the title to download the document in PDF format.

The guides provided below were developed from 1995-1997 by special workgroups composed of  field and HQ staff.   They contain useful information, but have not been updated.  Users are cautioned not to rely on them as the sole source of information when developing policies or procedures.   There is no plan to update these guides because no DOE office is responsible for the LCAM Order at this time. Until the LCAM Order is reassigned, please refer any comments or suggestions concerning them to John Yates, SC-82:

Index of DOE Good Practice Guides, 93 KB