Environmental Modeling Center Global Modeling Branch


500mb, surface, and 850mb

*For information, contact: Fanglin Yang

6-HOURLY FORECAST MAPS to 174 h and continuity maps - N. America, Eastern U.S. and tropics
Model performance STATISTICS
PARALLEL-vs.-OPERATIONAL comparison page disclaimer button

+ 12Z01May2007 GSI/hybrid Implementation: PowerPoint Briefing; Parallel Experiment Log
+ GFS/MRF/AVN model changes: History; 2003 documentation
* GFSX parallel run Brief descriptions of parallels; Relevant links
* Forecast products from ensemble runs
* GFS meteograms for most U.S. cities - four times daily.

Modellast update Latest forecasts
Recent maps
GFS 00Z - N. America, N. Hemisphere From 01 June 2004: T382L64 to hour 180, then T190L64; (see Model changes - june/july 2005) 23 SEP 12h 36h 60h 84h 108h 132h 156h 180h ANIM Verifs: NH SH
GFSX 00Z parallel run 28 AUG 12h 36h 60h 84h 108h 132h 156h 180h ANIM Verifs: NH SH
GFSX vs GFS00:S America, 200mb 12h 36h 60h 84h 108h 132h avg pcp ANIM
GFSX vs GFS00:W Hemis tropics: precip,250mb streamlines 12h 36h 60h 84h 108h 132h avg pcp ANIM
GFSX vs GFS00:E Hemis tropics: 850mb steamlines, vort 12h 36h 60h 84h 108h 132h ANIM
GFS 00Z - S. America, S. Hemisphere 23 SEP 12h 36h 60h 84h 108h 132h 156h 180h ANIM verifs for
GFS 12Z (for 06Z and 18Z maps click 6-hrly) 22 SEP 00h 24h 48h 72h 96h 120h 144h 168h ANIM verifs for
Verifications:GFS vs other models: animated 00Z Z500 fcsts from D-0 to D-6 valid today, verifying anls overlaid; AC scores ECMWF NH SH UKMO NH SH CMC NH SH FNMOC NH SH combined verifications
GFS/MRF/AVN 00Z forecasts back to 1999 from ARCHIVE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Model performance STATISTICS
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