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Infrastructure Division (SC-31.2)

Ten Year Site Plans 2008

Ten Year Site Plans (TYSPs) serve a number of purposes including: providing planning and budgeting information to support the budget formulation process; plans for management of maintenance and deferred maintenance; identification of modernization needs; changes in land use plans; tracking of facility management performance measures; and identification of facility and infrastructure issues that affect mission accomplishment.

They are also an annual requirement under DOE Order 430.1B, Real Property Asset Management and form the foundation for the Department’s Asset Management Plan, an annual report to the Federal Real Property Council, chaired by the Deputy Director for Management at OMB.

Aside from SC use, the TYSPs are provided to others in DOE, OMB and Congress as requested.

For 2008, SC has integrated the TYSP into the Annual Laboratory Plans (ALP) as Section 7. For more info on the ALP process see ALP process.

The TYSP (Section 7 of the ALP) are shown below:

Lawrence Berkeley
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest
Thomas Jefferson