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Infrastructure Division (SC-31.2)

The SLI Mission

The Science Laboratories Infrastructure (SLI) program (formerly the Multiprogram Energy Laboratories - Facilities Support program) supports the conduct of Departmental research missions at the Office of Science (SC) laboratories by funding line item construction to revitalize the general purpose infrastructure (GPI) (i.e., roads, utility systems and general purpose buildings) and by cleaning-up and removing excess facilities that are not transferable to the Office of Environmental Management.

30-year old transformer
Upgraded Fire Suppression System

The program also supports SC landlord responsibilities for the 36,000 acre Oak Ridge Reservation and provides Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) to local communities around Argonne National Laboratory - East (ANL-E), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

The SC Laboratory Complex consists of 10 government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) laboratories with over 2,400 buildings (including 650 trailers) totally 22.7 million square feet of space with an estimated replacement value of over $10 billion. Total operating funding is over $3 billion a year and the researcher and support staff workforce is over 22,000.