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Environment, Safety and Health Division (SC-31.1)

Laser Safety

Lesson Learned - Ineffective Laser Lab Personnel Sweep ("Near Miss") dated June 18, 2007
During laser operations in the Jefferson Lab Free Electron Laser (FEL) Laboratory #1, control room staff unexpectedly discovered the presence of a worker in the laboratory. This discovery was made after a sweep to remove all workers was performed and laser operations were underway. The laser light was in operation for less than one minute when the worker was discovered and the laser light was immediately stopped. There was no exposure and no injuries to the worker.

DOE Laser Exemption dated September 14 1979
Laser Policy Statement 25 grants exemption for laser products used exclusively by DOE or by its contractors at DOE designated, government-owned contractor-operated (GOCO) facilities in unique research applications or as components in larger research and development systems. This exemption was approved by the Director, Bureau of Radiological Health, in a letter dated May 26, 1978, to Mr. James Liverman, Acting Assistant Secretary for Environment, DOE.

Special Operations Report - Laser Safety and Performance Expectations
John Shaw, February 28, 2005
(PDF, 695 KB)

Office of Science ES&H Televideo on Laser Safety
November 19, 2004

Agenda (PDF, 23 KB)

Televideo Summary Notes: (PDF, 26 KB)
These notes summarize action items, main points of the panels, and discussion summaries by:

  • Dr. Raymond Orbach, Director, Office of Science
  • Dr. Milton Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, Office of Science
  • Dr. Patricia Dehmer, Associate Director, Basic Energy Sciences

Panel Discussion: The Argonne Experiences with Laser Accidents

ANL Laser Safety Program and the Laser Incident Investigation,
Will Brocker, ANL Laboratory Investigation Chair
(PDF, 479 KB)
(WMV, 3.562 MB)

Laboratory Management Perspective and Future Laser Operations
Murray Gibson, Associate Lab Director, Advanced Photon Source
(PDF, 224 KB)

Argonne Site Office Oversight Lessons Learned
John Houck, DOE Facility Representative for the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne Site Office
(PDF, 15 KB)

ANL Laser Accident Summary
(PDF, 20 KB)

Panel Discussion: The Brookhaven Experience with a Laser Accident

BNL Laboratory Manager Perspective
Doon Gibbs, Associate Laboratory Director, Basic Energy Sciences
(PDF, 73 KB)

Site Office Perspective of the Brookhaven Laser Accident
Mike Holland, Brookhaven Site Office Manager
(PDF, 31 KB)

BNL Accident Review, Laser Accident Trends and Recognizing Good Laser Experiment Operations
Justin Zamirowski, Director, Safety and Technical Services, Chicago Office
(PDF, 824 KB)