U.S. Geological Survey - The Geology of Radon

Sources of Radon Information

State Geological Surveys are good sources of information (geologic maps and radioactivity surveys) on the geology of the states. For information on soils in your area, the first place to start is the county agricultural extension agent. Telephone numbers and addresses for these state and county government agencies are in the phone book.

All states have radon contact agencies, usually the state health departments or divisions of environmental or radiation protection. These agencies and the regional offices of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are good sources of general information about the health risks of radon, radon measurements in your house, and corrections of radon problems. The publications listed under "Suggested Readings - General References" are among those available from EPA. Many state radon agencies have these or similar publications available. For technical information on the geology of radon, look at the publications listed under "Suggested Readings - Technical References".

EPA Region 1 
JFK Federal Building 
Boston, MA 02203

EPA Region 2 
26 Federal Plaza 
New York, NY 10278

EPA Region 3 
841 Chestnut Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19107

EPA Region 4 
345 Courtland St. N.E. 
Atlanta GA 30365

EPA Region 5 
230 South Dearborn Street 
Chicago, IL 60604

EPA Region 6 
1445 Ross Avenue 
Dallas TX 75202-2733

EPA Region 7 
726 Minnesota Avenue 
Kansas City, KS 66101

EPA Region 8 
One Denver Place, Suite 1300 
999 18th Street 
Denver, CO 80202-2413

EPA Region 9 
215 Fremont Street 
San Francisco, CA 94105

EPA Region 10 
1200 Sixth Avenue 
Seattle, WA 98101

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URL: http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/radon/georadon/5.html
Server information: webman@energy.cr.usgs.gov
13 October 1995