Tapes and Books

Available Video Tapes and Books You Can Check Out from the Chaplain Office

Excavating the Bible: Fascinating Archeological Revelations

Treasures of the Holyland: A Trip to the Exciting Historical Sites of Israel
Mysteries of the Bible: The Greatest Stories

Mysteries of the Bible: The Story Continues

The Unknown Jesus: Revealing Perspectives of the Life of Jesus
Tape I and Tape II
Christianity: The First Thousand Years

Christianity: The Second Thousand Years
Tapes 1 - 4
The Story of Islam: A History of the World�s Most Misunderstood Faith
Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Man and the Dream
Mother Teresa: A Life of Devotion
Gandhi: Pilgrim of Peace
Pope John Paul II: Statesman of Faith
Martin Luther
BOOKS (By Series)
BioBasics Series:

Jesus of Nazareth Gsopel: 13-26 Studies on the Gospel of Mark (10 Copies)
Life Change Series: A Life-Changing encounter with God's Word from the book Isaiah (3 Copies)
BOOKS (By Author)
Anderson, Herbert & Mitchell, Kenneth R.
Leaving Home
Anderson, Paul M.
Professors who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty
Brand, Paul (Dr.), & Yancey, Philip
The Gift of Pain: Why We Hurt & What We Can Do About It
Chapman, Gary
The Five Love Languages: How To Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate
Christian Medical and Dental Associations
Opinions and Vital Issues: Standards of Life
Colson, Charles & Pearcey, Nancy
How Shall We Live?
Cutrer, William, M.D. & Glahn, Sandra
Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
Davis, Robert
My Journey into Alzheimer's Disease: Helpful Insights for Family and Friends
Fuller, Millard
The Theology of the Hammer
Graves, Dan
Doctors Who Followed Christ
Ingram, Kristen Johnson
Blessing Your Enemies, Forgiving Your Friends: A Scriptural Journey Into Personal Peace
Keener, Craig S.
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament
Kreeft, Peter
Prayer for Beginners
Lowery, Daniel L., C.S.S.R.
A Basic Catholic Dictionary
Martin, Walter
The New Age Cult
McKenzie, John L., S.J.
Dictionary of the Bible
Peel, William C., ThM
Living in the Lab without Smelling Like a Cadaver
Smith, Jonathan Z. & Green, William Scott
The Harper Collins Dictionary of Religion
Steedman, Ray S.
Is This All There Is to Life? Answers from Ecclesiastes
Strong, James, LL.D., S.T.D.
The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
Thomas and Thomas
Beginning Your Marriage
Thurston, Herbert J., S.J. & Attwater, Donald
Butler's Lives of the Saints, Vol I: Jan - Mar
Butler's Lives of the Saints, Vol II: Apr - Jun
Butler's Lives of the Saints, Vol III: Jul - Sep
Butler's Lives of the Saints, Vol IV: Oct - Dec
Walton, John H., Matthews, Victor H., & Chavalas, Mark W.
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament
Zondervan Corporation
The Comparative Study Bible: A Parallel Bible

Excavating the Bible: Fascinating Archeological Revelations
Over the past century what was once taken as hard fact regarding people, places and events in the Bible are now being disputed. Today the Bible is being challenged as an accurate reflection of history, the events written on her pages being seen more as a collection of legends, written long after the time traditionally attributed to Biblical events.
Biblical archeologists have come to the Holy Land with the hope of finding clues to unravel perplexing questions about events in the Bible, which conceal a potential storehouse of archeological finds, whose discovery could change the way we look at the Bible.
Myth or reality, fact or fiction? Through the excavations at these sites in the Holy Land, archeologists hope to shed light on this disputed issue resolving conflicts between the Bible scholars and historical scientists.
Tape 1: Deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls: This film attempts to solve the mystery surrounding what has been hailed as the most important find of the 20th century � the Dead Sea Scrolls. Found fifty years ago in Qumrun, the scrolls shed some light concerning our understanding of the Old Testament, but are a continuous source of intrigue and controversy regarding every other issue associated with them. Vigorously debated by scholars, religious leaders and archeologists concerning the Essenes and references made to Jesus and John the Baptist in the scrolls as well as remarkable parallels between the writings found and the Old and New Testaments will be presented. The program will also reveal the basis for assertions made by Monteguey Allegro about the concealment of large portions of the writings due to information they contain which could threaten the foundations of Judeo-Christian beliefs and history.
Tape 2:
Part I: Marine Archeology: Venture to underwater archeological sites off the shores of ancient Canaan and witness archaic artifacts that have been preserved by water for over 1000 years. Treasures such as remains of an ancient boat from the time of Jesus and relics from the advanced Phoenician society (who greatly influenced written language and may have reached the Americas 2,000 years before Columbus) are among the many underwater discoveries. The magical qualities of water have preserved what would have otherwise been destroyed by the winds of times. Witness these preserved relics as we investigate the waters of the Holy Land.
Part II: Tel Hazor: Searching For Biblical Proofs: Tel Hazor in the Galilee, dating back to the Old Testament, is the worlds� largest Biblical archeological site containing artifacts that date back to the beginning of the 3rd millennium B.C. during the Bronze Age. This summer, Professor Ben-Tor of Hebrew University will return to Tel Hazor, where he was a part of the first excavations in the 1950�s to explore what he is convinced will be one of the most important Biblical treasures ever unveiled. Archeologists will enter the Canaanite Royal Palace and journey through previously unexplored chambers of this magnificently preserved site. In addition, royal archives that were uncovered at Tel Hazor may revolutionize our understanding of the Israelites� conquest of Canaan, led by Joshua after the exodus from Egypt. Will these new findings alter the way we understand the Bible? Join us as we explore these and other issues.
Tape 3:
Part I: The Mysterious Mosaic of Galilee: A beautiful mosaic of a woman�s face is discovered at an archeological dig in an ancient city near Nazareth. Thought to be the house of Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary, this archeological site with the intriguing mosaic lead to new questions concerning the life of early Christians, Jews, and Pagans in the Galilee. Who was this enchanting woman? How was this form of Renaissance-like art created in ancient times? Join us as we attempt to unravel this mystery.
Part II: The Ancient Tunnels of Jerusalem: Travel underneath Jerusalem to subterranean tunnels that weave underground passageways below the Holy City. The Temple Mount itself is built on a platform of arches that lead to many tunnels and passageways yet to have been explored. Follow the footsteps of King David, King Solomon, Zedekiah and Hezekiah, as we explore the biblical history that lies beneath the surface of contemporary Jerusalem.

Treasures of the Holyland: A Trip to the Exciting Historical Sites of Israel
Israel. The Holy Land, a cultural crossroads where the relics of a glorious past silently recall thousands of years of history: stories of conquering and conquered nations, the struggles of Kings and Prophets. The Land of Israel is situated at the most vital junction of the Middle East, where three continents meet: Asia, Europe, and Africa. Its strategic position beckoned rulers and conquerors; each brought his own unique culture, leaving an indelible imprint of the land and its people. We invite you for an enlightening tour of the Land of Israel, uncovering the treasures of the past and visiting the sites where dramatic events took place throughout history, from prehistoric times to the days of the Ottoman Empire. Each of the tales told by these wondrous sites is a truly remarkable and lasting souvenir.
In this video cassette you will experience a visit to: Akhziv. The Turkish Aqueduct, The Mill of Afek, Beit-Shean, Stella Maris, The Mosque of Kerem Maharal, The Carmel Caves, Shomi, Caesarea, The Turkish Customs House of Alexander Stream, Benjamin�s Tobs. The Fortress of Afek, Afek's Tower, Mazor, Azor, Ramle and Lod, Modein, Ekron (Tel Mikne), Amattzia�s caves, Ashkelon, Masada

Mysteries of the Bible: The Greatest Stories
Tape 1: Cain and Abel: Their story is one of the most chilling in the Bible: a tale of cold-blooded murder between the world�s first brothers. But while Genesis records the identity of Abel�s killer, the world�s first death remains, in essence, a mystery. What compelled Cain to kill his only brother? How did he do it? Did Cain realize that he was capable of ending Abel�s life? And what of the strange paradoxes in the Scriptures: Cain�s fear of strangers in an unpopulated world and the sudden appearance of his future wife? In this fascinating investigation, modern scholars work like detectives, searching for clues in the seventeen verses that describe humanity�s first tragic crime-and explore its ultimate message of resiliency and hope.
Tape 2: Biblical Angels: They are quiet figures at the center of some of the Bible�s most miraculous moments. They steeled David against Goliath, warned Abraham of Sodom�s destruction and freed Peter from Jail. But while the work of angels has long stirred popular imagination, the details of their holy purpose are clouded by wonder and debate. What do the Scriptures tell us about them? Are they messengers from Heaven? What do the look like? Do they continue to guide and help us today? And what happened to the fallen angels? This extraordinary program searches for clues in the stories of the Bible�s heavenly spirits; from the archangels Michael and Gabriel to the ethereal forms that announced Christ�s birth and resurrection.
Tape 3: The Last Supper: As a symbol of love, forgiveness and everlasting life, few moments in the Bible hold more significance than Jesus� Last Supper in Jerusalem. For many Christians, the symbolic bread and wine from that Passover meal on the eve of His execution are the very centerpieces of worship. Still, modern scholars continue to debate the specifics of Christ�s final celebration with His disciples. Who actually attended the Last supper? What did they discuss? Did Jesus know of His fate, and that one of His followers would betray Him? And was Judas really guilty of turning Christ over to Roman authorities-or was he just a scapegoat? Join the world�s leading scientists, scholars and historians in an unforgettable exploration of Jesus� final hours on earth.
Tape 4: Herod the Great: The man we know as King Herod the Great is mentioned only briefly in the Bible. Nearly a century after his death, Josephus, a first century historian, described him as a king who �stole the throne like a fox, ruled like a tiger and died like a dog,� having murdered most of his family. But who was Herod really? Was he a spineless collaborator with Rome, the ruthless killer of infants and the would-be assassin of baby Jesus? Or was he an astute politician, a forceful king and the greatest builder in Jewish history? Join the world�s leading archaeologists, historians and scholars as they search for the truth about one of the Bible�s most legendary villains.
Tape 5: Heaven and Hell: From the beginning of recorded history, people all over the world have believed in an afterlife. In the West, the powerful images of Heaven, with its white light, halos and harps, and Hell, marked by torture, brimstone and pits of fire, have shaped thought and culture for thousands of years. But where do these images come from? What does the Bible itself tell us about eternal punishment and eternal happiness? And what do these dramatic symbols tell us about our own hopes and fears, our views of sin and redemption? Join the world�s leading historians, archaeologists, and philosophers as they search for answers to eternal questions-and explore the mysteries of HEAVEN AND HELL.
Tape 6: The Bible�s Greatest Secrets: In the Holy Land today, dozens of specialized archaeologists and their teams sift through the sands of history. Their quest: to unlock the mysteries of vanished civilizations and their people. What are the origins of the special discipline known as �Biblical archaeology?� What light has the science shed on the Scriptures? And what enthralling secrets have they discovered? Journey through the portals of time with some of the greatest archaeologists in history, from the eccentric Sir William Flinders Petrie (who willed that his head be removed and preserved after death) to the husband-and �wife team of Eric and Carol Meyers. Join them as they risk everything in the search for crucial clues. And take a look at the high-tech world that could someday help their colleagues answer civilization�s enduring questions.
Tape 7: The Last Revolt: Since the days of King David: The Jewish people have claimed the rocky hillsides of Judea as their Promised Land. And no structure better symbolized that covenant than the majestic Holy Temple on Jerusalem�s sacred mountain. Six hundred years after its construction, the Temple was the scene of an unlikely battle for freedom. The Jews fought to repel legions of Roman soldiers despite impossible odds against them. Of all the People of the Near East, why did the Jews alone dare challenge the greatest imperial power the world had ever known? Why was Rome determined to prevail at any cost? And what happened to the sacred Temple when the siege finally broke through Jerusalem�s walls? Join the world�s leading archaeologists and scholars as they unravel the riddles of the Holy temple-and the great Jewish revolt that destroyed it.

Mysteries of the Bible: The Story Continues
Tape 1: Queen Esther: Faraway and Long Ago: She gave birth to the yearly festival of �Purim,� the Jewish celebration marked by revelry and charity. But how did a woman from ancient Persia come to have such an impact on Judaism? Her story, story in the Book of Esther, has long intrigued scholars. Could her epic of courage and sacrifice be true? Did Kind Ahasuerus exist, and what of his fabled buried treasure? And why was the Book of Esther the only Book of the Old Testament missing from the Dead Sea Scrolls? Journey to the magnificent ruins of the ancient Persian palace of Persepolis deep in the Iranian desert, and discover surprising secrets that cast a new light on this ancient Biblical mystery!
Tape 2: The Apocalypse: The Puzzle of Revelation: The book or Revelation is perhaps the Bible�s most puzzling and powerful. Its fiery passages are filled with cryptic numbers, strange beasts and a final showdown between good and evil that ends in the cataclysmic confrontation called Armageddon. From the Old Testament prophets to Nostradamus and beyond, these apocalyptic visions have long intrigued the faithful, mystics and scholars alike. Who was the real author of this Book, and what do its grim prophesies foretell? And what of the meaning of the Seven Seals, the Four Horsemen, and the mystery of the souls who reach the Kingdom, of God? Surprising answers wait at ancient Megiddio, site of many famous Biblical battles-thought to be the Armageddon Revelation!
Tape 3: The Execution of Jesus: No death in all of history has had a greater impact on mankind than the Biblical account of the death of Jesus Christ. And while his life is cloaked in mystery, the details of his death remain even more veiled. Could events have occurred as written in the Bible? Join scholars and archaeologists on a historic inquiry into the Biblical account of the last days of Jesus. Follow Him from His Passover entry into the Temple to the Last Supper, from trial to crucifixion and miraculous resurrection. Walk the streets of Jerusalem�s Old City in His footsteps, and explore a tomb in a cave near Mount Zion that dramatically alters our understanding of the greatest story ever told!
Tape 4: The Philistines: Arch Enemy: Today the word is synonymous with the ignorant and uncouth. Yet according to the Bible, the Philistines were the Israelites� most cunning and ruthless enemies. Their constant battles are the cornerstones of history�s greatest tales: David and Goliath; Samson and Delilah; the theft of the sacred Ark of the covenant. But what truth lies behind the legend of the Philistines? New archaeological discoveries have uncovered a wealth of astonishing information about the Philistines� way of life-and yielded treasures that shed new light on some of the Bible�s most legendary events! Join world-renowned archaeologists on a journey of discovery that stretches from Jerusalem to Ashkelon, Gezer and Gaza, capitals of the Philistine empire!
Tape 5: Abraham: One Man, One God: The Story of Abraham�s unwavering faith has made him among the holiest of men in Judaism, Islam and Christianity. His covenant with God led to the birth of Israel, and in the ultimate test of devotion, he was asked to sacrifice his son at the fabled Dome of the rock. But is there evidence to prove that such a man existed? Fifteen hundred cuneiform tablets discovered at the ancient city of Ebla hold surprising clues to the riddle of Abraham. Journey with esteemed scholars on a trail of discovery and revelation that leads from the lands of Mesopotamia and Canaan to Jerusalem�s holiest sites!
Tape 6: Prophets: Soul Catchers: They stand among the Old Testament�s most commanding and confounding figures: the Prophets, men consumed by visions and prophesies said to have come directly from God. Their names and stories have resounded through the ages. The ecstatic voice of Elijah. The apocalyptic messages of Ezekiel and Daniel. Jeremiah�s haunting vision of the fall of the Holy Temple.
Tape 7: Joseph: Master of Dreams: The story of Joseph is one of the Bible�s most celebrated epics. Sold into slavery by this bothers because of his gift of prophecy, Joseph is finally rewarded with great political power when he uses his divine gift to help the Pharaoh save Egypt from famine. Was there actually a terrible famine in Joseph�s time? Does evidence exist to support the events described in this story? And would the young Israelite nation have had reason to invent such a man had he not existed? This dramatic investigation travels from the land of the Israelites to the land of the Pharaohs, sifting through the sands of time in search of answers to what remains one of the Bible�s most intriguing chapters.

The Unknown Jesus: Revealing Perspectives of the Life of Jesus
For two millennia the popular image of Jesus Christ has been set in stone. Now, questions long debated in scholarly circles are coming to the forefront. Armed with ancient sources like the Dead Sea Scrolls, the papyrus books at Nag Hammadi and long overlooked writing from the early church, modern scholars are making an impact with new theories on the most important figure of the Western World.
Millions have studied the life of Jesus Christ according to the four Gospels. But these writings, penned decades after he died, tell of a Jesus of faith. What is really known about the history of Jesus?
Join the creators of A&E�s acclaimed WHO WROTE THE BIBLE for another journey of discovery and learn more about THE UNKNOWN JESUS.
Tape I: For two millennia the popular image of Jesus Christ has been set in stone. Now, some two thousand years later, questions long-debated in scholarly circles are coming to the forefront.
A prophet, a teacher, a healer and a leader�in his life he may never have imagined the vast multitudes of devotees who gather in his name. Did Jesus intend to found a new church and set up opposition to Judaism? Why is there hardly any concrete evidence of Jesus� time on earth?
Tape II: For two millennia the popular image of Jesus Christ has been set in stone. Now, some two thousand years later, questionslong-debated in scholarly circles are coming to the forefront.
Perhaps not surprisingly, archaeologists, theologians and biblical scholars peer back across the religious and historical landscape and do not agree. Their fascinating search reveals a man who walked the hills of Galilee and the streets of Jerusalem, but for what purpose? Learn why the legacy of Jesus is fraught with uncertainty. Do the four Gospels tell the truth? How much faith should we have in the scriptures?

Christianity: The First Thousand Years
It is an epic saga, embracing emperors and preachers, saints and sinners, the teaching of a man accepted by millions as the Savior, and the battles fought in His name.
From the Crucifixion to the coming of the Crusades, CHRISTIANITY: THE FIRST THOUSAND YEARS traces the rise of one of the world�s great religions. Scholars explore the intertwined fates of the Roman Empire and the faith it first persecuted, then later adopted. Theologians reveal how the New Testament was shaped, how pagan festivals were transformed into Christian holidays and how modern discoveries shed new light on the dawn of Christianity.
Drawing on ancient texts, the Scriptures and visits to sites like Istanbul�s magnificent Hagia Sophia, this is a spellbinding journey through CHRISTIANITY: THE FIRST THOUSAND YEARS.
Tape I: The Founding of a Faith. They were one of many sects barely tolerated by the Roman Empire. But according to the Scriptures, fifty days after Jesus died at Calvary, His followers were �filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages.� With that miraculous event, a religion was born.
THE FOUNDING OF A FAITH consults ancient texts and modern scholars to chronicle the first centuries of Christianity, when Rome tried to destroy the new religion while converts spread the gospel throughout the Mediterranean. Follow in the footsteps of St. Paul, perhaps the most important early shaper of Christian belief. Learn how James, head of another branch of early Christianity, may have been related to Jesus and see how even Emperor Diocletian�s violent persecution of Christian could not check the growth of the faith that would be adopted by his successor.
Tape II: Church and Empire. For 300 years, Christians were the target of violence and hatred in the Roman Empire. That changed overnight-literally-when the Emperor Constantine saw a vision of Jesus in a dream: the religion had gained its single most important convert.
The clear evidence that Christianity was growing in power and influence leads many to question whether Constantine�s conversion was genuine or a savvy political move. Here, experts on both sides of the issue agree that the effects of the conversion were more important than the reasons behind it. From the birth of the monastic movement to the shaping of the New Testament, CHURCH & EMPIRE traces the sweeping changes that eventually led to the triumph of the religion in the Western world, and the decline of the Roman Empire.
Tape III: The Glory of Byzantium. Five centuries after the death of Jesus, Rome fell to the Goths, plunging Europe into the Dark Ages. Yet on both sides of the continent, Christianity continued to grow, though it would soon face a new challenge.
THE GLORY OF BYZANTIUM visits the magnificent sites of the Byzantine Empire. There, where its Christian Emperors claimed the title of �Vice-Regent of God,� learning and culture flourished, while Europe suffered through the Dark Ages. But a new threat emerged on their doorstep, as Islam swept from the Arabian sand to conquer half of Christendom in only 100 years.
The eventual answer to this danger lay to the west, in Ireland and the British Isles, where the followers of St. Patrick established a network of monasteries. Scholars reveal how, in this remote land, a religious revival was born that would spread throughout Europe.
Tape IV: The Faith Conquers. The Golden Age of Christianity began, appropriately enough, on January 1st. On that day in the year 800, the Pope placed a crown on the head of the Frankish king Charlemagne, declaring him the new Holy Roman Emperor.
THE FAITH CONQUERS details the enlightened reforms that Charlemagne undertook, which lifted Europe from the Dark Ages and established Christianity as the cornerstone of Western civilization. At the same time, military campaigns spread the Word of God through the power of the sword, while monks in the east invented a new alphabet to translate the Bible into Slavic tongues. By the year 1000, all of Europe was part of Christendom. But the destruction of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem by Muslim warriors foretold of the violence that was soon to come�

Christianity: The Second Thousand Years
It began with a wandering Jewish preacher and a message of love. One thousand years later, Christianity reigned unchallenged as the dominant religion in Western Europe. But the struggles faced by the faith were far from over.
A panoramic journey through ten centuries of belief and conflict, CHRISTIANITY: THE SECOND THOUSAND YEARS chronicles not just the events and personalities that left indelible marks on the landscape of faith, but also the forces behind them. From the crusades and the Reformation to the sweeping changes of Vatican II, each fascinating episode is illuminated through extensive use of historical document, commentary from renowned scholars, and visits to the sites where history was made.
Lawrence Fishburne (the Matrix, Apocalypse Now) narrates this spellbinding account of Christianity�s evolution from the Dark Ages to the 21st century.
Tape I: By the dawn of the second millennium, Christianity had risen from a beleaguered sect to become the bedrock of Western Civilization. The last of the European pagans had been converted, and the Holy Roman Emperor was the �Defender of the Christian Faith� as well as the supreme monarch of Europe.
But a new wave of challenges awaited the surging religion, and the strongest would come from Islam. CHRISTIANITY: THE SECOND THOUSAND YEARS recounts how two centuries of Holy Wars were launched by a single speech, and details its extraordinary, unforeseen consequences-including the creation of a sect of warrior monks so powerful they would eventually have to be destroyed by the Church.
Tape II: By the 13th century, the Church�s power was at an all-time zenith. But its role as the undisputed authority in all matters-temporal, spiritual, and political-would soon come to an end in the face of dissent from within.
CHRISTIANITY: THE SECOND THOUSAND YEARS documents how the rising tide of ambition and greed within the Church sparked events that would change it forever. The charges of a French sect sparked the 500-year horror of the Inquisition. A civil war divided the faithful, drove the true pope from Rome, and led to the Avignon Papacy. And pervasive corruption eventually drove an unknown friar named Marin Luther to shake Christianity to its very foundations.
Tape III: The Church counterattacked in the wake of the Reformation and the separation of the Church of England, splitting Europe into warring camps of Roman Catholics, and Protestants who would clash in brutal religious wars for over a century.
CHRISTIANITY: THE SECOND THOUSAND YEARS brings this tumultuous era to life through period accounts and the illuminating analysis of scholars. The struggle was at once universal and personal, as illustrated by the fate of the 20,000 Huguenots slaughtered at the whim of a Catholic queen in the St. Bartholomew Day massacre and the trial of Galileo for heresy. Ultimately, the years of conflict strengthened and updated Christianity, but another threat was just around the corner�
Tape IV: The modern, rational world has challenged Christianity for nearly 400 years. The initial response-as embodied by Galileo�s trial for heresy-was as predictable as it was futile. The religion struggled to keep pace with a changing world ever since.
The conclusion to CHRISTIANITY: THE SECOND THOUSAND YEARS focuses of the reforms of the 20th century. See how the long process of reconciliation and acceptance among the sects was furthered by the bold changes of Vatican II. Taken out of the church and into the streets by clerics like Marin Luther King, Desmond Tutu and Mother Teresa, Christianity became a more active social force. But the tension between age-old doctrines and an evolving society remain, and it will likely define the course the faith follows for the next thousand years.

The Story of Islam: A History of the World�s Most Misunderstood Faith
In the year 600 A.D. a divine wind swept across the Arabian desert, where, in the little town called Mecca an illiterate orphan named Mohammed came to be the prophet to whom the word of God was revealed-and the world was to be changed forever. Herein lies the beginning of the faith known as Islam, a religion that today claims over one billion devout believers throughout the planet. Yet it is a faith more misunderstood than any other in the history of mankind.
This brilliantly produced film takes us on a journey through the Story of Islam, from its humble beginnings 1300 years ago, to its place in the world today. We are introduced to the culture, philosophy, and staples of this way of life, which is rapidly being embraced by so many in the West. If you are not familiar with the principles of Islam, you will be surprised-perhaps even shocked � to learn of the amazing similarities between the Muslim, Christian, and Judaic faiths, and perhaps this program will help tear down the stereotypical Western view of Islam as an alien phenomenon.
The Story of Islam, over three years in the making, will also enlighten those who could not understand the massive outrage of millions of Muslims who found Salman Rushdie�s �Satanic Verses� so offensive.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Man and the Dream
His was a powerful voice for peace, justice and change. Like so many who dare to confront society�s evils, he died a martyr.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. changed race relations in America forever. His tireless efforts to end racial injustice through nonviolent means made him the soul of the Civil Rights movement. BIOGRAPHY revisits the life and legacy of the legendary leader through interviews with his confidants, and extensive analysis of this speeches and sermons. Through interviews with former FBI agents, discover why J. Edgar Hoover maintained constant surveillance on the controversial Civil Rights leader. And interviews with King�s allies offer a first-person view of the conflict between the private man and the public figure.

Mother Teresa: A Life of Devotion
She responded to her calling like no other in modern times. Her phenomenal labors on behalf of the poor, unwanted and needy earned her the name �the saint of the gutters.�
For over 50 years, Mother Teresa dedicated herself to the �poorest of the poor.� The order she founded, the Missionaries of Charity, grew to encompass over 4,000 members working in 25 countries. She earned countless accolades and awards-yet as her fame grew, she remained unchanged, giving all she had to help the least fortunate. Join BIOGRAPHY or a portrait highlighted by interviews with those who knew her-from unwanted orphans to Archbishops-and featuring extensive footage from Mother Teresa�s long life of service.
From her childhood in Macedonia to her receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize, this is the definitive profile of one of the spiritual icons of the 20th century-Mother Teresa.

Gandhi: Pilgrim of Peace
In a world fraught with war, Gandhi proved that violence is not the only road to change. In the process, he became one of the most influential figures of the twentieth-century.
BIOGRAPHY follows the journey of the �pilgrim of peace� who saw himself as doing God�s work, yet recognized only personal conscience as the highest authority. From his training in Britain and his time in South Africa to the long struggle to free his homeland from imperialism, explore the forces and events that shaped his philosophy. Extensive photos and film footage capture the charismatic leader who confounded intellectuals, while biographers share surprising details of his personal life. And in a rare interview, the Dalai Lama reflects on Gandhi�s legacy.

Pope John Paul II: Statesman of Faith
He is the spiritual leader of almost one billion people worldwide, and beloved ambassador of peace to untold millions more. Pope John Paul II is one of the most popular pontiffs in history.
Leader of the 2,000 year-old Catholic Church, John Paul II became the first non-Italian Pope in almost 500 years. Here is the story of his remarkable life- his pre-war childhood in Poland, his rise as a Cardinal under communism, and his elevation to the Papacy, where he survived assassination attempts to play a pivotal role in the fall of the Soviet Empire.

Martin Luther
In this film are the work of a man, Martin Luther, his efforts for reform, his excommunication, and the developments that led to the origin and the growth of the protestant movement.
Fear from sin and God�s judgment struck terror in Martin Luther�s heart. Like many others in the 16th century, the young law student sought shelter in a monastery. No matter what he did, he was unable to escape the fear of evil and punishment.
Luther fought against the sale of indulgences. He demanded that the church of his day be cleansed of secular abuse and that the authority for doctrine and practice be scripture rather than Popes or Council. To bring up the abuse of indulgences for debate, he nailed 95-points of argument-on the church door. This argument split the Roman Catholic Church and The Holy Roman Empire.
Labeled a heretic, Luther was excommunicated by the Pope and banished and condemned by the Empire. Luther�s beliefs gave birth to an evangelical movement that quickly spread throughout Europe and the world.


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