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Safety City Brochure
Buckle Up America! Week
   Press Release
   Key Messages
   Operation ABC:
Multiple Program Materials
   Success Stories
   Rx for Prevention
   Strides for Safety
   Youth Fatalities
Resource Materials
   Materials Catalog
   State Coordinators
   Regional Offices
Logo Sheets
   Down the Road
   Don't Get Towed
   Booster Seats
   Kids Aren't Cargo
   Fast Lane
Impaired Driving
   Drug Driving
   Zero Tolerance
   Alcohol Poisoning
Occupant Protection
   Air Bag Safety
   Occupant Protection
   Primary Safety Belt
   Patterns for Life
   Road to Danger?
Bus/Bike/Ped. Safety
   Bus Safety Points
   Wise Cycling
   Ped. Safety Points
   Prevent Ped. Crashes
Expect a Train
Women Aren't Attracted
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  Youth and Generation X
Materials Catalog

Buckle Up America: There’s Just Too Much to Lose

If one of your program objectives is to increase safety belt use, and you don’t yet have a Buckle Up America! action kit, order this item today! This planner gives you the tools you need to buckle up your community, so that together we can buckle up America. It includes a campaign strategy, key messages, and a plan of action that can make a difference. There are persuasive materials for the media, community leaders, law enforcement management, employers, educators, and legislators.

Item Number: 1P1063
Format: 9” x 12”, 2-color, 2-pocket folder with inserted materials
Audience: Program leaders, legislators, corporate, law enforcement
Year: 1997

Item Number: 4P1114
Format: Same as above with additional section for law enforcement agencies
Audience: Law enforcement
Year: 1997

Buying A Safer Car for Child Passengers

Buying a new or used vehicle can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. This brochure gives consumers a vehicle safety checklist, identifies model year 1998 vehicles that have features that enhance child passenger safety, such as air bag on-off switches, built in child seats, and center rear seat lap and shoulder belts. The brochure also discusses possible vehicle/child safety seat incompatibility problems. This information will help consumers narrow their list and focus on compatible vehicles before they go auto shopping. Consumer-oriented auto dealers, child safety seat retailers, banks and credit unions, child safety seat retailers, and child safety seat educators will want to provide this brochure to their customers.

Item Number: 8P0017
Format: Brochure
Audience: Parents, health educators, program leaders, general public
Year: 1998

Caminando a Través de los Años - Seguridad Peatonal Para Niños (Walking Through the Years - Pedestrian Safety for Children) Program

Because Hispanic children have been identified as high risk for pedestrian injuries and fatalities, the Caminando a Través de los Años (Walking Through the Years) pedestrian safety program has been created. This program identifies the most common pedestrian risks and concerns faced by children, and offers prevention methods to help children avoid them. The bilingual materials include a color brochure, an educator’s guide, and a 30-minute video “telenovela.” The telenovela format captures the attention of the audience and educates while it entertains. Parents, grandparents, caregivers, educators, law enforcement personnel, and community traffic safety advocates who work with Hispanic families should have these materials as a resource.

Item Numbers: 6P0112 (brochure); 6P0113 (guide); 6A0019 (video)
Format: Kit
Audience: Parents, grandparents, caregivers, educators, law enforcement personnel, and community traffic safety advocates who work with Hispanic families
Year: 1998

Kids Aren’t Cargo

Truck beds are for cargo, not kids! This flyer, intended for parents and caregivers, explains the danger of transporting children in the cargo/area of trucks. The flyer can be easily reproduced and used at fairs and conferences or sent home with school children.

Item Number: 1P1024
Format: Black and white, 4” x 9” flyer
Audience: Parents, health educators, general public
Year: 1997

The Case for Graduated Driver Licensing

Promote the benefits of adopting a graduated driver licensing system with this informative booklet. Because teens are over-represented in crashes, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) developed a three-stage license merit system that has reduced crashes and traffic violations where it has been implemented This booklet answers questions most often asked by state legislators, public health officials, public and private interest organizations, and state highway safety officials about graduated driver licensing.

Item Number: 2P1043
Format: Booklet
Audience: Legislators, motor vehicle administrators, highway safety advocates, media
Year: 1997

Don’t Let This Be the Reason for Your Next Family Gathering: Don’t Drink and Drive

Families are too often shattered by the effects of impaired driving. This poster depicts an African American family’s grief at the grave site of a loved one who has been the victim of impaired driving. Display this poster in schools, churches, and community youth clubs as a constant reminder that alcohol-related deaths can be prevented.

Item Number: 2P1022
Format: Full color, 11” x 17” poster
Audience: African Americans, junior and senior high school students
Year: 1996

The Eye of the Tiger

Include this comic book in prevention programs to teach junior and senior high school students the hazards of teen impaired driving. This entertaining comic book depicts scenes of urban life among young Asian Americans. Younger children will learn while using it as a coloring book. Social agencies and community language classes might offer it to students learning English as a second language to help them with conversational English.

Item Number: 2P1023
Format: Full-color cover, black and white interior, 6.75” x 10”, 12-page booklet
Audience: Asian Americans, driver educators, junior and senior high school students
Year: 1995

Is This Child on the Road to Danger?
Child Transportation Safety Materials Review and Evaluation Tool

Many child passenger safety educational materials are out- of-date and contain inaccurate information. Public agencies that provide training and instructional materials for child passenger safety need this booklet to assess their current materials in circulation to determine which ones need to be updated.

Item Number: 1P1074
Format: 2-color, 16 page booklet
Audience: Health educators, medical, law enforcement, public health, program managers
Year: 1997

Research Shows That Most Women Aren’t Attracted to Dead Guys

Looking for something to start a conversation on traffic safety issues? This locker-sized poster, uses an attractive blond astride a motorcycle to catch young men’s eyes. It reinforces the message that alcohol and motorcycles are a lethal mix. Program leaders will find that this poster works well with other materials that emphasize that hanging onto the good life requires other safe driving habits such as the responsible use of alcohol, not speeding, being courteous on the road, and wearing safety belts.

Item Number: 6P0111
Format: 1-color, 8.5” x 11” poster
Audience: Senior high school students, young drivers
Year: 1998

Saved by the Air Bag: Air Bag Success Stories

This brochure not only tells you about the thousands of people saved by air bags, but also puts a face on the issue by highlighting individuals and families that have been saved because they were properly buckled up and had air bags. Read about and see survivor photos from crashes involving an 8-month pregnant woman, a short statured woman, and a family of 4 having 2 children safely buckled in the appropriated child restraints in the back. This brochure is an excellent tool to supplement media activities and educational programs on air bag safety.

Item Number: 1P1079
Format: Brochure
Audience: Highway safety advocates, national organizations, media, general public
Year: 1997

Riding the Highway vs. Riding the High Way

Mixing alcohol and motorcycling can be deadly. Law enforcement efforts that address impaired riding are increasing, and you could end up paying the price. Imagine your bike sitting or swinging from the back of a tow truck as you sit in the back of a police car. Which hurts the most? This poster is an excellent addition to any impaired driving program as well as a motorcycle safety program.

Item Number: 6P0087
Format: Full-color, 17” x 22” poster
Audience: Senior high school students, young drivers
Year: 1997

Youth Radio Public Service Announcements (PSA’s)

Help get the message out about risky driving behavior among male youth with these two-fact filled PSA’s. These safety belt PSA’s, entitled “Lovers’ Lane” and “Imagine,” are just suggestive enough to grab the attention of young people, but not so suggestive as to offend anyone. Each PSA was recorded in two different musical styles to appeal to various radio formats. Use them to add interest to your health and driver education classes by stimulating discussion of risky behavior. They are also great for high school public announcement system broadcasts.

Item Number: 1V0015
Format: CD, 2:00 minutes
Audience: Young drivers, junior and senior high school students
Year: 1997

You’re Not a Kid Anymore

Young fathers have more to consider than themselves. Their actions will affect their children and their family. This brochure targets motorcycle riders age 25 and younger, and urges them to ride alcohol and drug free. It uses graphic, descriptive language to convince riders of the importance of wearing a helmet and appropriate clothing, avoiding recklessness, and riding with headlights on. This brochure can be effective with other health care and traffic safety efforts that emphasize rider responsibility and its effect on others. An attractive souvenir motorcycle safety sticker is also included!

Item Number: 6P0098
Format: Full color, 4.25” x 11” brochure
Audience: Young motorcycle operators
Year: 1997




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* Items included in this Planner
• Items not shown in this Materials Catalog

1P1076 Air Bags & On-Off Switches: Information for an Informed Decision Brochure•  
2P1045 Alcohol Poisoning Article*•  
1P1063 Buckle Up America: There’s Just Too Much to Lose Planner  
4P1114 Buckle Up America: There’s Just Too Much to Lose Planner (with Law Enforcement Section)  
8P0017 Buying A Safer Car for Child Passengers Brochure  
Caminando a Través de los Años - Seguridad Peatonal Para Niños (Walking Through the Years - Pedestrian Safety for Children) Program Brochure
6P0117 Campus Wise Cycling Article *•  
2P1043 The Case for Graduated Driver Licensing Booklet  
2P1022 Don’t Let This Be the Reason for Your Next Family Gathering: Don’t Drink and Drive Poster  
2P1046 Drug Impaired Driving Article*•  
2P1023 The Eye of the Tiger Comic Book  
1P1074 Is This Child on the Road to Danger? Booklet*
Child Transportation Safety Materials Review and Evaluation Tool
1P1024 Kids Aren’t Cargo Flyer*  
4P1118 Life In the Fast Lane Flyer *•  
1P1062 A Parent’s Guide to Booster Seats Brochure*•  
6P0018 Prevent Pedestrian Crashes Information Sheet *•  
1P1077 Request for Air Bag On-Off Switch Form•  
6P0111 Research Shows That Most Women Aren’t Attracted to Dead Guys Poster*  
6P0087 Riding the Highway vs. Riding the High Way Poster  
1P1079 Saved by the Air Bag: Air Bag Success Stories Brochure  
6P0116 School Bus Safety Talking Points *•  
6P0098 You’re Not a Kid Anymore Brochure  
1V0015 Youth Radio Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) CD  
Brochures, flyers, and handouts 50 each
Posters (in any combination) 20 each
“Reproducible” materials (fact sheets), manuals, guides, resource kits, etc. 1 each

Note: State Legislative Fact Sheets and Traffic Safety Facts were included in the most recent Campaign Safe & Sober Occupant Protection Planner (Item Number: 5P0020). They may be downloaded from the NHTSA Web Site or ordered by faxing this form to 202-493-2062




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State Legislative Fact Sheets - January 1998
2P0028 0.08 BAC Illegal Per Se Level  
2P0027 Administrative License Revocation  
6P0079 Bicycle Helmet Use Laws  
2P0026 Graduated Driver Licensing System  
6P0085 Motorcycle Helmet Use Laws  
1P1035 Primary Enforcement of Seat Belt Laws Increase Belt Use Decrease Crash Fatalities and Injuries  
1P1072 Strengthening Child Passenger Safety Laws Increase Car Seat and Belt Use Decrease Crash Fatalities and Injuries  
5P0204 Vehicle and License Plate Sanctions  
2P0042 Zero-Tolerance Laws to Reduce Alcohol - Impaired Driving by Youth  
Traffic Safety Facts 1996
5P0005 Overview  
2P0015 Alcohol  
5P0001 Children  
2P0019 Large Trucks  
6P0028 Motorcycles  
1P0083 Occupant Protection  
6P0030 Pedalcyclists  
6P0029 Pedestrians  
5P0198 Rural Areas  
6P0031 School Buses  
4P0038 Speeding  
2P0014 State Alcohol Estimates  
5P0172 Young Drivers