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    Space Station Laboratories Are GO for Research!

    The laboratories of the International Space Station (ISS) are almost complete and key research facilities -- mini science laboratories -- are up and running. In 2008, the European Space Agency’s Columbus and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratories joined the U.S. Destiny lab on orbit. Final research facilities will travel to the ISS on the remaining assembly missions.

    Global interest is growing rapidly as all ISS partner nations begin their research and development programs. Over the final years of assembly 2009-2010, the initial experiments will be completed in the newest racks, the crew size onboard ISS will double to six astronauts/cosmonauts, and we will transition from "early utilization" to "full utilization" of ISS. The ISS labs are GO for research!

    > Read More (PDF, 6 MB)
    > Weekly Research Summaries
    > Expedition 17 Experiments



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