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Department of Labor (DOL) Disclaimer of Endorsement

Any link on Career Voyages to a specific web site does not constitute or imply an endorsement of the product, process or service, or its producer or provider by the DOL or the United States Government. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect those of the DOL or the United States Government. Exit pages from any link posted on Career Voyages will include this disclaimer.

DOL Disclaimer of Liability

Neither the DOL, nor the United States Government, nor any employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information from these web pages, or from links to other sites from these pages. Internet resource links are selected based on their usefulness to the American public. Because this can encompass many topics, the following evaluation criteria shall be used to determine appropriateness for links on Career Voyages pages.

Linking to Career Voyages FROM an Outside Source

Career Voyages does not object to anyone linking to this site as long as the descriptive words of the link are accurate and not misleading and do not misrepresent an unofficial relationship between the linking site and the DOL. Career Voyages does object to sites taking information and logos/graphics and posting any Career Voyages information on their site without first informing the Webmaster. To do so, please type the following address into your email system: career.voyages at*. No permission is needed either verbally or in writing to link to Career Voyages provided the above is followed.

*Note: The email address is not clickable as a spam-prevention measure.

Linking from Career Voyages TO an Outside Source

Career Voyages does not typically link to sites that require a fee or are primarily advertising a product or service. The following criteria are used in evaluating sites to be linked to:

  1. Does the site provide essential mission-related information?
    • Career Voyages selects sites that are in support of the stated purpose of the site and have a specific education/career information related component.
    • Information on the site must relate to one or more of the featured Career Voyages industries and/or the education and training required for occupations in those industries.
    • While the presence of job boards on a site are acceptable, Career Voyages does not typically link to sites whose primary purpose is a job board, job search or job exchange.

  2. Does the site provide information/services free of charge?
    • Career Voyages, as a free government web site, seeks to link to other sites that offer free information or services. We make exceptions for educational institutions but please verify that the institution is not already included in our database, which is accessible via the appropriate industry education and training buttons.

  3. Does the site contribute something unique and beneficial?
    • Career Voyages will link to sites that provide information not available on other governmental, commercial, or educational sites. We seek to avoid duplicative information as much as possible.

  4. Is the information significant, useful, and relatively unbiased?
    • Career Voyages will only use links that are significant/relevant to the mission of the page, useful and lacking in bias.

  5. Is the linked page or portion primarily technical or purely informational in nature, such that advertising is not obtrusive and/or mixed with the relevant (technical) information?
    • Career Voyages will look for pages that are information rich but will not exclude pages containing advertising so long as the advertising content is not overly intrusive.

  6. Is the link up-to-date at the time of posting? Is the date of the last update of the site posted?
    • Career Voyages strives to maintain a "timely, accurate and authoritative" web presence. Pages linked to by Career Voyages will be expected to meet these criteria as well.

  7. Does the link contain information contrary to DOL or Federal Government policy? Is there inflammatory political, racial, or offending sexual content on the site?
    • No link will be made to offending political, racial, or sexual commentary or images.

  8. Can the currency and accuracy of the link be verified periodically? How often will it be visited?
    • The currency and accuracy of the link will be verified according to Career Voyages' scheduled reviews.

  9. Does the web site contain information that is advocating a specific political party position (or membership in an organization) that requests that a visitor contact his/her elected representative?
    • As a site sponsored by the Federal Government, Career Voyages cannot endorse or support political parties or candidates. Sites promoting specific political parties or candidates may not be linked to. If they are, deep-linking will be approved by the site's sponsoring organization. Organizations may encourage their members to contact their representatives for a position, e.g., NARFE or AARP.
    • In instances in which the site does have significant value-added information beyond the home page, deep-linking may be permitted with permission of the site in question.

  10. Does the web site permit screen captures and short descriptions to be used in lieu of regular text hyperlinks?
    • Career Voyages seeks to enrich the information it provides and in the case of links, descriptions and images are a preferred method of allowing our visitors to make better decisions regarding which links to click.

If you are interested in proposing a more specific partnership beyond a simple link, please refer to our Career Voyages Partnerships page.

If you believe your Web site meets these criteria, please submit your request by typing the following address into your email system: career.voyages at*.

*Note: The email address is not clickable as a spam-prevention measure.

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