Summary of Research Information
Last Updated On: 10 - 01 - 2008

This section provides a brief summary of the numbers and types of research projects described on DeployMed ResearchLINK.

Of the 430 research projects listed and described on this web site, 87 of them are still in progress (Ongoing). For the other 343 research projects, the original collection of data is finished (Complete), although, in many cases, the analysis of data and the writing of reports and scientific articles may still be underway.

The research projects described here have either been performed or been funded by the following Departments:

Defense  >> 273 projects
Veterans Affairs  >> 133 projects
Health and Human Services  >> 24 projects

The research projects on the web site have been catalogued into 13 different major subject areas, called Medical Research Topics. Within those 13 Topics are 34 Sub-topics. Below is a summary of the titles of the Medical Research Topics and the Sub-topics under which all of the research projects have been categorized. Please note that most research projects are placed under more then one Topic or Sub-topic. is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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DeployMed ResearchLINK was last updated on 2008-10-03