Welcome Researchers & Health Care Providers!

Defining Deployment-Related Research

The overall purpose of this web site, DeployMed ResearchLINK, is to provide information on federally funded research related to deployment health issues. Generally, we consider research "deployment-related" if it meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • The research, primarily human research, directly studies Service members and/or veterans who deployed at any time during the interval beginning with the first Gulf War in 1990-1991 to the present.
  • OR
  • The research examines health care issues that affect Service members and/or veterans who deployed during that period.
  • OR
  • The research examines health care issues (e.g., wound healing or post-surgery complications) that are relevant and informative about deployment during that period.

We recognize that identifying "deployment-related" research is sometimes imprecise. Therefore, we would ask that you assist us to make sure the information we provide on this web site is as clear as possible for research related to deployment health issues.

Are you conducting deployment-related research?

If the research you are conducting meets at least one of the criteria mentioned above, we would like to hear from you. Please contact us so we may discuss your research and obtain more details to include on this web site. For those of you whose research is already present on this web site, please continue to keep us informed of your progress.

Why we would like you to provide us with information on your research efforts?

We understand you are extremely busy and we do not want to add to your work but we think sharing your information through this web site is important because it:

  • Provides an opportunity for you to inform our Service members, leaders, and the general public of your efforts; and
  • Provides a single place for you, your colleagues, other researchers and health care providers to share knowledge about the efforts to better understand ways to improve, protect, and restore our Service members health.

For more information or if you have any questions or comments, please contact us. If you have general feedback you would like to provide about our web site, please visit our feedback section. Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.

Search Deployment Medical Research by Region

Africa Africa Eastern Europe Southeast Asia Southeast Asia Southwest Asia
To find medical research by deployment operations, click the appropriate region

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DeployMed ResearchLINK was last updated on 2008-10-03