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The PILOTS Database

An Electronic Index to the Traumatic Stress Literature

The PILOTS database is an electronic index to the worldwide literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health consequences of exposure to traumatic events. It is produced by the National Center for PTSD, and is electronically available to the public. There is no charge for using the database, and no account or password is required. Although it is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the PILOTS database is not limited to literature on PTSD among veterans.


The new bibliographic interface allows a person to get regular updates on new articles that meet specific search criteria. See database interface for details.

Each record in PILOTS is a representation of a document, containing:

  • a bibliographic citation, giving the information (author, title, and source) needed to locate the document
  • a description of the article's content, information which basic computer search techniques can use in selecting documents of possible interest
  • a brief summary, to help in determining whether it contains information relevant to a particular enquiry.

The PILOTS database is intended to enable users to identify those publications that contain the information they need. PILOTS citations are not intended to substitute for the documents they represent; in no case should the information contained in a PILOTS citation be used as the basis for a clinical decision. As with any bibliographical compilation, it is the responsibility of the compilers to provide accurate bibliographical information. It is always the responsibility of the user to determine whether the information he or she finds is applicable to the situation at hand, and to use the best professional judgment in its application.

For Further Help or Information call us at (802) 296-5132 during business hours (weekdays 08.00-16.30 Eastern time), or Email

The PILOTS Database is produced by

  • Fred Lerner, D.L.S., Information Scientist
  • Karen Matthews, M.L.S, M.A., M.S., Librarian/Bibliographer
  • Cybele Merrick, M.A., M.S., Information Resource Developer
  • Lisa Ann Gover, B.S.Ed., Resource Center Coordinator
at the National Center for PTSD in White River Junction, Vermont.

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