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Celebrating 30 Years — 1977 to 2007
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ADA Amendments Act Becomes Law

The ADA Amendments Act (ADA-AA) of 2008 was signed into law in a White House ceremony September 25, 2008, after identical bills were passed by the Senate (unanimously, on September 11th) and the House (by voice vote, on September 17th). The law's effective date is January 1, 2009.

The DISABILITY RIGHTS CENTER (DRC) is a private non-profit agency with offices in Little Rock, Arkansas. Since 1977 the Governor of Arkansas has designated DRC the independent rights protection and advocacy system for persons with disabilities in Arkansas. DRC operates under authority outlined in Federal law and is funded primarily by the Federal government.

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To make a tax-deductible donation to the Disability Rights Center toward the $15,000 Challenge Campaign MATCH, please click the donation button below to help us raise $30,000. We would also gladly accept your check or money order mailed to DRC. Thank you!

- Alerts & Updates -
Oct 2008
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Oct 7, 2008
Youth Transition Conference
Brain Injury Association Board Meeting

Oct 16, 2008
DD Conference

New! U.N. General Assembly's adoption of April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day.

New! Food Stamp Program changes benefit people with disabilities (Excerpted from TASC Update newsletter, September 2008) The Food Stamp Program is the nation's most important food assistance program. On October 1, 2008, new changes in eligibility rules will take effect. The changes will increase benefits to current recipients and allow more people with disabilities to qualify. Also effective October 1, 2008, the Food Stamp Program will be called the "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" (SNAP). For an extremely comprehensive analysis of the Farm Bill's changes to the food stamp program visit Basic information about SNAP and eligibility can found at the USDA website by visiting

New! The Department of Labor has created a new "America's Heroes at Work" website to provide employers with information about traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder. The site includes tools and guidance on workplace accommodations and other services to help veterans with these conditions and encourages employers to use the Job Accommodation Network's toll-free line to obtain specific personal assistance in accommodating veterans with disabilities. For more information visit

New! Arkansas Interagency Council on the Homeless 19th Annual Statewide Homeless Conference to be held October 13-15. Read more »

October 6, 2008 last day to register in order to participate in the November 6th General Election and nonpartisan judicial runoff. Be sure to check out Vote Naturally, a resource of the Secretary of State's office, and click on "Registration" for more information on registering to vote.

The Veterans Administration clarifies its policy on assisting veterans' voter registration activities to "welcome state and local election officials and non-partisian groups to it hospitals and outpatient clinics to assist VA officials in registering voters at VA facilities." Read more »

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 Unbolts Doors for Students with Intellectual Disabilities.

Arkansas Traumatic Brain Injury Conference - Friday, November 7, 2008, Hilton Little Rock Metro Center, 925 South University, Little Rock, AR. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Open to all involved in the field of brain injury including individuals with brain injuries, family members, advocates, service providers, policymakers and anyone concerned with planning and service delivery for individuals with brain injury. Admission is free (with limited mileage assistance available for those who qualify). For more information call 1-800-482-4923 or 501-280-4923 (LR) or visit the Brain Injury Association of Arkansas home page at where you will also be able to register online for the conference. Registration ends October 8, 2008, and space is limited.

July 15, 2008--Congress voted quickly and overwhelmingly to override the President's veto, by 383-41 in the House and 70-26 in the Senate. The Medicare Improvements Act, with equal coverage of mental health services, becomes law. [More...], Read the text of this new law here.

The US Treasury and Social Security Administration has begun to offer SSDI and SSI recipients who have no bank accounts the option of receiving their SS and/or SSI benefits on a Debit Card (like a “gift” card). More details on this program are available on the US Treasury website at

Take a look at our new voting and disabilities commercial entitled "Make Your Vote Count!"

like DRC are established in every state and U.S. territory. We carry out activities under several federal programs to provide a range of services to advocate for and protect the rights of persons with disabilities throughout the state. To learn more about the Protection & Advocacy/Client Assistance Program system, and to locate a P&A/CAP office in any state then visit the National Disability Rights Network website.

Our Priority issue areas focus on subjects of importance to Arkansans, including:

Our Federal Programs offer a wide range of advocacy opportunities, including:

DRC Services Available

DRC makes a wide range of advocacy-related services available to our clients at no charge.

DRC Grievance Procedure

If you have a grievance with the services you receive from Disability Rights Center you have the right to resolve your complaint utilizing the grievance procedure.

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30 Years of Advocacy - 1977 to 2007 Highlights

Read the highlights of our advocacy work for the past thirty years.

Voting T-Shirt Available

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Three federally-funded "sister" agencies – the Arkansas Governor's Developmental Disabilities Council, Partners for Inclusive Communities and the Disability Rights Center work closely together to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families.

Read about the network and each partner agency.

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Many of the documents available on our website are in Portable Document Format ("pdf") which uses the freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view. If you need it, you can download Acrobat reader from the Adobe website.

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Disability Rights Center (DRC) • 1100 N. University, Suite 201 • Little Rock, AR 72207
(800) 482-1174 V/TTY • (501) 296-1775 V/TTY • FAX (501) 296-1779