[106th Congress House Rules Manual -- House Document No. 106-320]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office Online Database]

[Page 266-267]

                sec. xliv--bills sent to the other house

<>   A
bill from the other House is sometimes ordered to lie on the table. 2
Hats., 97.

  This principle is recognized in the practice of the House, both as to
Senate bills (IV, 3418, 3419; V, 5437), and as to House bills returned
with Senate amendments (V, 5424, 6201-6203). The motion to lay on the
table Senate amendments to a House bill does not take precedence over
the motion to recede and concur, since the motion would table the entire
bill (Speaker Longworth, Jan. 24, 1927, p. 2165), but the motion to lay
on the table a motion to recede and concur in a Senate amendment does
not carry the amendment and bill to the table, and other motions are in
order to dispose of the Senate amendment (Feb. 22, 1978, p. 4072).

[[Page 267]]

  When bills <> passed in one House and sent to the other are ground on special
facts requiring proof, it is usual, either by message or at a
conference, to ask the grounds and evidence, and this evidence, whether
arising out of papers or from the examination of witnesses, is
immediately communicated. 3 Hats., 48.

  The Houses of Congress transmit with bills accompanying papers, which
are returned when the bills pass or at final adjournment (V, 7259,
footnote). Sometimes one House has asked, by resolution, for papers from
the files of the other (V, 7263, 7264). Testimony is also requested
(III, 1855).