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Related News Releases.

Martian dust devil 9/11/08 - NASA's Phoenix Lander Sees, Feels Martian Whirlwinds in Action
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has photographed several dust devils dancing across the arctic plain this week and sensed a dip in air pressure as one passed near the lander.

Tracks from Opportunity rover 8/29/08 - NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Ascends to Level Ground
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has climbed out of the large crater that it had been examining from the inside since last September.

Southern Half of Spirit's 'Bonestell' Panorama 8/26/08 - NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Climbing out of Victoria Crater
NASA's Mars Exploration rover Opportunity is heading back out to the Red Planet's surrounding plains nearly a year after descending into a large Martian crater to examine exposed ancient rock layers.

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Like salt used as a preservative, high concentrations of dissolved minerals in the wet, early-Mars environment known from discoveries by NASA's Opportunity rover may have thwarted any microbes from developing or surviving.

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Mars Exploration Rover - Spirit 10/15/07 - NASA Extends Operations for its Long-Lived Mars Rovers
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NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has reached its science team's first destination for the rover inside Victoria Crater, information received from Mars late Tuesday confirms.

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NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity finished the last step of a test in-and-out maneuver checking wheel slippage at the rim of Victoria Crater today.

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