United States Senate Committee on
Commerce, Science & Transportation
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Statement of Daniel K. Inouye
Hearing: Administration's Proposal to Reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration - Part I
Thursday, February 15, 2007

            The Senate Commerce Committee faces a rare opportunity this Congress to significantly shape the future of the national air transportation system as we address the expiration of the current FAA authorization as well as the taxes that we have relied upon for a decade to support the Airport and Airways Trust Fund.  At the beginning of the 21st Century, aviation is increasingly important to the globalization of the economy, and all indications point to continued and substantial growth in the aviation industry.  The has been the world’s leader in aviation and we cannot afford to lose that position.  The policy decisions we make this year with respect to modernization, and funding that modernization, will affect our leadership in this area and impact all aspects of the national air transportation system, nationally and globally, for decades to come.

            While the FAA unveiled its reauthorization proposal yesterday, the agency had indicated over the past two years its intent to completely alter the system by which we finance aviation programs in the .  The plan is ambitious. Unfortunately, the time we have to review it is short.  Consequently, the FAA has to make a strong case for changing the aviation financing structure.  Specifically, the Committee needs to know how this plan affects consumers, our local communities and various aviation stakeholder groups.  We must determine that the plan we have received is equitable to all parties involved.

            The entire country, rural and urban, will feel the impact of this FAA reauthorization.  The Vice Chairman and I represent regions that exemplify the unique circumstances we must address in this reauthorization.  In Hawaii , we depend on aviation to connect us as a state, as well as provide a connection to the rest of the country and the world.  Any aviation proposal that moves through Congress must deliver the promise of improving access and providing affordable, secure and quality air service to all Americans, regardless of geographic location.

            The actions we take this year will affect the public for decades to come.  We must ensure that the national air transportation system continues to serve the public well, and at the same time, we must move forward with modernization at a faster pace so as to not inhibit the social and economic growth that is taking place. The number of airline passengers is expected to increase 50 percent during the next decade. The additional passengers, airplanes in flight and needed security could cripple a system that is already near full capacity.  Without considerable progress on this endeavor, our system will grind to a halt over the next ten years.  Modernization is critical to the future of our national air transportation system, and the FAA must give it the highest priority to ensure that deadlines are met and the process is begun on time and in earnest.

            The Senate Commerce Committee will hold a number of hearings on the reauthorization of the FAA over the next few months.  Today is the first step in that effort.  We must proceed in a dedicated, cooperative manner that ensures we enact the best legislation for the system and our nation.



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