Copy of Partnership for Food Safety Education and Wal-Mart Press Release

Partnership for Food Safety Education Logo Wal-Mart Logo

Editors Note: September is National Food Safety Education Month

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Amy Schneider  314.982.8638
Melanie Miller    703.768.7980


Wal-Mart and the Partnership for Food Safety Education's Fight BAC!TM
National public health campaign offer consumers helpful information
For fighting harmful foodborne bacteria

Facts about Foodborne Illness

Food Safety Tips
Wal-Mart and the Partnership for Food Safety Education's Fight BAC!TM campaign recommend following these simple steps to reduce the risk of foodborne illness:

According to food safety experts, bacteria can spread throughout the kitchen and get on to cutting boards, knives, sponges and counter tops. To help avoid this, wash everything -- including your hands -- with soap and water.

Cross-contamination is how bacteria spread from one food product to another. This is especially true for raw meat, poultry and seafood. Keep these foods and their juices away from ready-to-eat foods.

Food safety experts agree that foods are properly cooked when they are heated for a long enough time and at a high enough temperature to kill the harmful bacteria that cause foodborne illness.

Refrigerate foods quickly because cold temperatures keep most harmful bacteria from growing and multiplying. Food safety experts recommend setting the refrigerator at 40°F and the freezer unit at 0° F and occasionally checking these temperatures with an appliance thermometer.

Suggested Products
Wal-Mart and the Partnership for Food Safety Education recommend consumers carry the following items in their food safety tool kit:

For more information on proper food handling and how to reduce the risks of contracting foodborne illness at home, log on to and click on the food safety tips icon.

Wal-Mart and Partnership for Food Safety Education Establish an Alliance