The ROVer Ranch
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K-12 Experiments in Robotic Software

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Click this maze image to register for the
ROVer Ranch Click this pathfinder pic to login to the ROVer

Robots 101
Ed Resources
NASA Robots
Other Robots
The ROVer Ranch is a place to learn about robotic engineering. You can learn about the development of robots, their elements and systems, and use a 3D VRML simulation to build and run your own robot.

The ROVer Ranch learning activities are open to everyone without registering. If you'd like to use the robot simulations you need to register for an ID. When you register an ID and password, the ROVer Ranch software creates a workplace for you to store your robots, paths, scripts, and simulation information so they don't get lost or mixed up with someone else's robot work.

The ROVer Ranch uses JAVA 1.1 and a VRML plugin. The Login/Member area does not work with most Macintosh versions of browsers. Why is this?
This is Version 2.1.

The Learning Technologies Project Logo - Click to Go There The NASA Logo - Click to Go There
Curator: Stephanie Smith
Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Bob Shelton

Last Update: 4/03/03
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