A.R. Lupini
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Materials Science and Technology Division
Bldg 3625, Room 103
Phone: (865) 574-6281
Fax: (865) 574-4143
e-mail: 9az@ornl.gov

Research Interests:

Andrew R. Lupini is a R&D Associate in the Electron Microscopy group of the Materials Science and Technology Division. He gained his Ph.D. from Cambridge in 2001, supervised by Prof. L.M. Brown and Dr. A.L. Bleloch. His method to measure aberrations, developed with Dr.s O.L. Krivanek and N. Dellby of Nion Co, forms an important part of many aberration-corrected STEM at leading institutes around the world. He has given more than a dozen invited talks at international meetings.

Selected current research themes include:


    Aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM).
  • Applications to new and exciting samples, including development of new equipment and techniques.
  • Three-dimensional microscopy techniques, enabled by the reduced depth of field after aberration correction.
  • Novel methods to measure aberrations.
  • Development of the next generation of aberration corrector as part of the DOE TEAM project.
  • Novel catalyst preparation techniques (in particular, work with Dr. G.M.Veith).
  • High-resolution imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy of materials, with examples that might lead to more efficient energy transport or production


 Oak Ridge National Laboratory