N.J. Dudney
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Materials Science & Technology Division
Bldg 3025E, Room E201
Phone: (865) 576-4874
Fax: (865) 574-4143
e-mail: dudneynj@ornl.gov

Research Interests:

Nancy Dudney is a Senior Research Staff member of the Physical Chemistry of Materials (PCM) group in the Materials Science & Technology Division at ORNL. Current research includes understanding dynamics within catalyst support materials, ionic conductors, and energy storage materials.

Selected current research themes include:

  • Novel synthesis of catalyst including physical vapor deposition of catalytic nanoparticles.
  • Understanding the fundamental interactions between catalytic nanoparticles and support materials.
  • Supercapacitors
  • Lithium ion conductors
  • Energy harvesting and storage






 Oak Ridge National Laboratory