Framingham Heart Study Bibliography

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Years 2000-2004

  1. Fox CS, Cupples LA, Chazaro I, Polak JF, Wolf PA, D'Agostino RB et al. Genomewide linkage analysis for internal carotid artery intimal medial thickness: Evidence for linkage to chromosome 12. American Journal of Human Genetics 2004;74:253-61.

  2. Gorfine M, Hsu L, Prentice RL. Nonparametric correction for covariate measurement error in a stratified Cox model. Biostatistics 2004;5:75-87.

  3. Benjamin EJ, Larson MG, Keyes MJ, Mitchell GF, Vasan RS, Keaney JF et al. Clinical correlates and heritability of flow-medicated dilation in the community-The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2004;109:613-19.

  4. Wang TJ, Larson MG, Levy D, Benjamin EJ, Leip EP, Wilson PWF et al. Impact of obesity on plasma natriuretic peptide levels. Circulation 2004;109:594-600.

  5. McKeown NM, Meigs JB, Liu S, Saltzman E, Wilson PWF, Jacques PF. Carbohydrate nutrition, insulin resistance, and the prevalence of the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the Framingham Offspring Cohort. Diabetes Care 2004;27:538-46.

  6. Elias MF, Sullivan LM, D'Agostino RB, Elias PK, Beiser A, Au R et al. Framingham stroke risk profile and lowered cognitive performance. Stroke 2004;35:404-09.

  7. Jugdaohsingh R, Tucker KL, Qiao N, Cupples LA, Kiel DP, Powell JJ. Dietary silicon intake is positively associated with bone mineral density in men and premenopausal women of the Framingham Offspring cohort. J Bone Min Res 2004;19:297-307.

  8. Genetic Analysis workshop 13: Analysis of Longitudinal Family Data for Complex Diseases and Related Risk Factors. Almasy, L, Amos, C. I, Bailey-Wilson, J. E, Cantor, R. M, Jaquish, C. E., Martinez, M, Neuman, R. L, Olson, J. M, Palmer, L. J, Rich, S. S, Spence, M. A, and MacCluer, W. J. 4. 12-31-2003.
    Ref Type: Conference Proceeding

  9. Miller RR, Zhang Y, Silliman RA, Hayes MK, Leveille SG, Murabito JM et al. Effect of medical contitions on improvement in self-reported and observed functional performance of elders. J Am Geriatr Soc 4 A.D.;52:217-23.

  10. Massaro JM, D'Agostino RB, Sullivan LM, Beiser A, DeCarli C, Au R et al. Managing and analysing data from a large-scale study on Framingham Offspring relating brain structure to cognitive function. Stat Med 2004;23:351-67.

  11. Kannel WB. Hypertension as a risk factor: The Framingham contribution, In: Birkenhager WH, Robertson JIS, Zanchetti A, editors. Handbook of Hypertension, vol. 22.Elsevier B.V.; 2004. p. 129-42.

  12. Kulminski A, Akushevich I, Manton K. Modeling nonlinear effects in longitudinal survival data: Implications for the physiological dynamics of biological systems. Frontiers in Bioscience 2004;9:481-93.

  13. Saccone NL, Goode EL, Bergen AW. Genetic Analysis Workshop 13: Summary of analyses of alcohol and cigarette use phenotypes in the Framingham Heart Study. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S90-S97.

  14. Goldin LR, Camp NJ, Keen KJ, Martin LJ, Moslehi R, Ghosh S et al. Analysis of metabolic syndrome phenotypes in Framingham Heart Study families from Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S90-S97.

  15. Bickeboller H, Barrett JH, Jacobs KB, Rosenberger A. Modeling and dissection of longitudinal blood pressure and hypertension phenotypes in genetic epidemiological studies. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S72-S77.

  16. Costello TJ, Falk CT, Ye KQ. Data mining and computationally intensive methods: Summary of group 7 contribution to Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S57-S63.

  17. Kraft P, de Andrade M. Group 6: Pleiotropy and multivariate analysis. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S50-S56.

  18. Hauser ER, Hsu FC, Daley D, Olson JM, Rampersaud E, Lin JP et al. Effects of covariates: A summary of Group 5 contributions. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S43-S49.

  19. Badzioch MD, Thomas DC, Jarvik GP. Summary report: Missing data and pedigree and genotyping errors. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S42.

  20. Diego V, Atwood L, Mathias RA, Almasy L. Consistency of genetic analyses in longitudinal data: Observation from the GAW13 Framingham Heart Study data. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S29-S35.

  21. Gauderman WJ, Macgregor S, Briollais L, Scurrah K, Tobin M, Park T et al. Longitudinal data analysis in pedigree studies. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S18-S28.

  22. Strauch K, Golla A, Wilcox MP, Baur MP. Genetic analysis of phenotypes derived from longitudinal data: Presentation Group 1 of genetic analysisi workshop 13. Genetic Epidemiology 2003;25:S5-S17.

  23. Sundstrom J, Sullivan L, D'Agostino RB, Jacques PF, Selhub J, Rosenberg IH et al. Plasma homocysteine, hypertension incidence, and blood pressure tracking - The Framingham Heart Study. Hypertension 2003;42:1100-05.

  24. Russo GT, Friso S, Jacques PF, Rogers G, Cucinotta D, Wilson PWF et al. Age and gender affect the relation between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T genotype and fasting plasma homocysteine concentration in the Framingham Offspring Study cohort. J Nutr 2003;133:3416-21.

  25. Edmond SL, Felson DT. Function and back symptoms in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003;51:1702-09.

  26. Wilk JB, DeStefano AL, Joost O, Myers RH, Cupples LA, Slater K et al. Linkage and association with pulmonary function measures on chromosome 6q27 in the Framingham Heart Study. Human Molecular Genetics 2003;12:2745-51.

  27. Mukhopadhyay N, Finegold DN, Larson MG, Cupples LA, Myers RH, Weeks DE. A genome-wide scan for loci affecting normal adult height in the Framingham Heart Study. Human Heredity 2003;55:191-201.

  28. Shearman AM, Cupples LA, Demissie S, Peter I, Schmid CH, Karas RH et al. Association between estrogen receptor alpha gene variation and cardiovascular disease. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association 2003;290:2263-70.

  29. Levy D, Wilson PWF. Serum insulin-like growth factor I and risk for heart faifure in elderly individuals without a previous myocardial infraction: The Framingham Heart Study. Annals of Internal Medicine 2003;139:642-48.

  30. Roubenoff R, Parise H, Payette HA, Abad LW, D'Agostino R, Jacques PF et al. Cytokines, insulin-like growth factor 1, sarcopenia, and mortality in very old community-dwelling men and women: The Framingham Heart Study. Am J Med 2003;115:429-35.

  31. Cilento BW, Norton SJ, Gates GA. The effects of aging and hearing loss on distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Otolaryng head neck 2003;129:382-89.

  32. Kannel WB, Vasan RS, Levy D. Is the relation of systolic blood pressure to risk of cardiovascular disease continuous and graded, or are there critical values? Hypertension 2003;42:453-56.

  33. Barzilai N, Atzmon G, Schechter C, Schaefer EJ, Cupples AL, Lipton R et al. Unique lipoprotein phenotype and genotype associated with exceptional longevity. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association 2003;290:2030-40.

  34. Karasik D, Cupples LA, Hannan MT, Kiel DP. Age, gender, and body mass effects on quantitative trait loci for bone mineral density: The Framingham Study. Bone 2003;33:308-16.

  35. Meigs JB, Larson MG, D'Agostino RB, Levy D, Clouse ME, Nathan DM et al. Coronary artery calcification in type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance - The Framingham Offspring Study. Diabetes Care 2002;25:1313-19.

  36. Schaefer EJ, McNamara JR, Shah PK, Nakajima K, Cupples LA, Ordovas JM et al. Elevated remnant-like particle cholesterol and triglyceride levels in diabetic men and women in the Framingham Offspring Study. Diabetes Care 2002;25:989-94.

  37. Meigs JB, D'Agostino RB, Nathan DM, Rifai N, Wilson PWF. Longitudinal association of glycemia and microalbuminuria - The Framingham Offspring Study. Diabetes Care 2002;25:977-83.

  38. Meigs JB, Nathan DM, D'Agostino RB, Wilson PWF. Fasting and postchallenge glycemia and cardiovascular disease risk - The framingham offspring study. Diabetes Care 2002;25:1845-50.

  39. Lloyd-Lones DM, Wilson PWF, Larson MG, Leip E, Beiser A, D'Agostino RB et al. Lifetime risk of coronary heart disease by cholesterol levels at selected ages. Archives of Internal Medicine 2003;163:1966-72.

  40. Murabito JM, Evans JC, Larson MG, Nieto K, Levy D, Wilson PWF. The ankle-brachial index in the elderly and risk of stroke, coronary disease, and death - The Framingham study. Archives of Internal Medicine 2003;163:1939-43.

  41. Payette H, Roubenoff R, Jacques PF, Dinarello CA, Wilson PWF, Abad LW et al. Insulin-Linke growth factor-1 and interleukin 6 predict sarcopenia in very old community-living men and women: The Framingham Heart Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2003;51:1237-43.

  42. Wang TJ, Evans JC, Benjamin EJ, Levy D, LeRoy EC, Vasan RS. Natural History of Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in the Community. Circulation 2003;108:977-82.

  43. Natarajan S, Liao YL, Cao GC, Lipsitz SR, McGee DL. Sex differences in risk for coronary heart disease mortality associated with diabetes and established coronary heart disease. Archives of Internal Medicine 2003;163:1735-40.

  44. Meigs JB, Wilson PFW, Nathan DM, D'Agostino RB, Williams K, Haffner SM. Prevalence and characteristics of the metabolic syndrome in the San Antonio Heart and Framingham Offspring Studies. Diabetes 2003;52:2160-67.

  45. Greenland P, Knoll MD, Stamler J, Neaton JD, Dyer AR, Garside DB et al. Major risk factors as antecedent of fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease events. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association 2003;290:891-97.

  46. Yang Q, Tofler GH, Cupples LA, Larson MG, Feng DL, Lindpaintner K et al. A genome-wide search for genes affecting circulating fibrinogen levels in the Framingham Heart Study. Thrombosis Research 2003;110:57-64.

  47. Wang TJ, Nam BH, D'Agostino RB, Wolf PA, Lloyd-Jones DM, MacRae CA et al. Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Is Associated With Premature Parental Coronary Heart Disease - The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2003;108:572-76.

  48. Bhargava A. A longitudinal analysis of the risk factors for diabetes and coronary heart disease in the Framingham Offspring Study. Population Health Metrics 2003;1.

  49. Marrugat J, D'Agostino R, Sullivan L, Elosua R, Wilson P, Ordovas J et al. An adaptation of the Framingham coronary heart disease risk function to European Mediterranean areas. J Epidemiol Community Health 2003;57:634-38.

  50. Peeters A, Bonneux L, Barendregt JJ, Mackenbach JP. Improvements in Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease and Cessation of Stroke Mortality Rate Decline. Stroke 2003;34:1610-14.

  51. Al Mamun A. Life History of Cardiovascular Disease and Its Risk Factors - Multistate Life Table Approach and Application to the Framingham Heart Study. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers; 2003. p. 1-268.

  52. Wang TJ, Larson MG, Levy D, Vasan RS, Leip EP, Wolf PA et al. Temporal relations of atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure and their joint influence on mortality- The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2003;107:2920-25.

  53. Osgood D, Corella D, Demissie S, Cupples LA, Wilson PWF, Meigs JB et al. Genetic Variation at the scavenger receptor class B type I gene locus deterrmines plasma lipoprotein concentrations and particle size and interacts with type 2 diabetes: The Framingham Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2003;88:2869-79.

  54. Heo M, Faith MS, Mott JW, Gorman BS, Redden DT, Allison DB. Hierarchical Linear Models for the Development of Growth Curves; An Example with Body Mass Index in Overweight/Obese Adults. Statistics in Medicine 2003;22:1911-42.

  55. Lewington S, Thomsen T, Davidsen M, Sherliker P, Clarke R. Regression Dilution Bias in Blood Total and High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Blood Pressure in the Glostrup and Framingham Prospective Studies. J Cardiovasc Risk 2003;10:143-48.

  56. Panhuysen CIM, Cupples AC, Wilson PWF, Herbert AG, Myers RH, Meigs JB. A Genome Scan for Loci Linked to Quantitative Insulin Traits in Persons Without Diabetes: The Framingham Offspring Study. Diabetologia 3 A.D.;46:579-87.

  57. Karamohamed SDSVJLCC-HNLJSCPCMJWPALCLAHA. Polymorphisms in the Insulin-degrading Enzyme Gene are Associated with type 2 Diabetes in Men from the NHLBI Framingham Heart Study. Diabetes 3 A.D.;52:1562-67.

  58. Kleijn M, et tal. Intake of Dietary Phytoestogens is Low in Postmenopausal Women in the United States: The Framingham Study. Am J Epidemiol 2002;2002:1021-27.

  59. Vasan RS, Larson MG, Levy D, Galderisi M, Wolf PA, Benjamin EJ. Doppler transmitral flow indexes and risk of atrial fibrillation (The Framingham Heart Study). Am J Cardiol 2003;91:1079-83.

  60. Tan ZS, Seshadri S, Beiser A, Wilson PWF, Kiel DP, Tocco MD et al. Plasma total cholesterol level as a risk factor for Alzheimer disease - The Framingham study. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:1053.

  61. Djousse, L., Rothman, K. J., Cupples, L. A., Levy, D., and Ellison, R. C. Effect of serum albumin and bilirubin on the risk of myocardial infarction (the Framingham Offspring Study). Amer J Cardiol 91(4), 485-490. 2-15-2003.

  62. Fox, C. S., Vasan, R. S., Parise, H., Levy, D., O'Donnell, C. J., D'Agostino, R. B., and Benjamin, E. J. Mitral annular calcification predicts cardiovascular morbidity and mortality - The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 107(11), 1492-1496. 3-25-2003.

  63. Benjamin, E. J., Sawyer, D. B., Levy, D., Wilson, P. W. F., and D'Agostino, R. B. Inflammatory markers and risk of heart failure in elderly subjects without prior myocardial infarction. Circulation 107(11), 1486-1491. 3-25-2003.

  64. Hadigan, C., Meigs, J. B., Wilson, P. W. F., D'Agostino, R. B., Davis, B., Basgoz, N., Sax, P. E., and Grinspoon, s. Prediction of coronary heart disease risk in HIV-infected patients with fat redistribution. Clin Infectious Dis 36(7), 909-916. 4-1-2003.

  65. Walter, R. E., Beiser, A., Givelber, R. J., O'Conner, G. T., and Gottlieb, D. J. Association between glycemic state and lung function- - The Framingham Heart Study. 167(6), 911-916. 3-15-2003.

  66. Niu, J., Zhang, Y., LaValley, M., Chaisson, C. E, Aliabadi, P., and Felson, D. T. Symmetry and clustering of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in elderly men and women: the Framingham Study. Rheumatology 42(2), 343-348. 2-1-2003.

  67. DeStefano, A. L., Gates, G. A., Heard-Costa, N., Myers, R. H., and Baldwin, C. T. Genomewide linkage analysis to presbycusis in the Framingham Heart Study. Arch Otolar-Head Neck Surgery 129(3), 285-289. 3-1-2003.

  68. Keaney, J. F., Larson, M. G., Vasan, R. S., Wilson, P. W. F., Lipinska, I, Corey, D., Massaro, J. M., Sutherland, P., Vita, J. A., and Benjamin, E. J. Obesity and systematic oxidative stress - clinical correlates of oxidative stress in the Framingham Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 129(3), 434-439289. 3-1-2003.

  69. Vasan, R. S., Beiser, A., D'Agostino, R. B., Levy, D., Selhub, J., Jacques, P. F., Rosenberg, I. H., and Wilson, P. W. F. Plasma homocysteine and risk for congestive heart failure in adults without prior myocardial infarction. JAMA 289(10), 1251-1257. 3-12-2003.

  70. Hiller, R., Sperduto, R. D., Reed, G. F., D'Agostino, R. B., and Wilson, P. W. F. Serum lipids and age-related lens opacities: A longitudinal investigation. Ophthalmol 110(3), 578-583. 3-1-2003.

  71. Zhang, Y. Q., Kiel, D. P., Ellison, R. C., Schatzkin, A., Dorgan, J. F., Kreger, B. E., Cupples, L. A., and Felson, D. T. Bone mass and the risk of prostate cancer: The Framingham Study. Amer J Med 113(9), 734-739. 12-15-2002.

  72. Singh, J. P., Larson, M. G., O'Donnell, C. J., Tsuji, H., Corey, D., and Levy, D. Genome scan linkage results for heart rate variability (The Framingham Heart Study). Am J Cardiol 90(12), 1290-1293. 12-15-2002.

  73. Lloyd-Jones, D. M., Larson, M. G., Leip, E. P., Beiser, A., D'Agostino, R. B., Kannel, W. B., Murabito, J. M., Vasan, R. S., Benjamin, E. J., and Levy, D. Lifetime risk for developing congestive heart failure- The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 106(24), 3068-3072. 12-10-2002.

  74. Djousse, L., Rothman, K. J., Cupples, L. A., Levy, D., and Ellison, R. C. Serum albumin and risk of myocardial infarction and all-cause mortality in the Framingham Offspring. Circulation 106(23), 2919-2924. 12-3-2002.

  75. Djousse, L., Dorgan, J. F., Zhang, Y. Q., Schatzkin, A., Hood, M., D'Agostino, R. B., Copenhafer, D. L., Kreger, B. E., and Ellison, R. C. Alcohol consumptin and risk of lung cancer: The Framingham study. J.Natl.Cancer Inst. 94(24), 1877-1882. 12-18-2002.

  76. Millen, B. E., Quatromoni, P. A., Nam, B. H., O'Horo, C. E., Polak, J. F., and D'Agostino, R. B. Dietary patterns and the odds of carotid atherosclerosis in women: The Framingham nutrition studies. Prev.Med. 35(6), 540-547. 12-1-2002.

  77. Zhang, Y. Q., Norman, J. E., Kelly-Hayes, M., Chaisson, C. E., Aliabadi, P., and Felson, D. T. Prevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis and its impact on functional status among the elderly - The Framingham Study. Amer J Epidemiol 156(11), 1021-1027. 12-1-2002.

  78. Fleming, D. J., Tucker, K. L., Jacques, P. F., Dallal, G. E., Wilson, P. W. F., and Wood, R. J. Dietary factors associated with the risk of high iron stores in the elderly Framingham Heart Study cohort. Amer J Clin Nutr 76(6), 1375-1384. 12-1-2002.

  79. Karasik, D., Rosen, C. J., Hannan, M. T., Broe, K. E., Dawson-Hughes, B., Gagnon, D. R., Wilson, P. W. F., Visser, M., Langlois, J. A., Mohan, S., and Kiel, D. P. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins 4 and 5 and bone mineral density in elderly men and women. Calcified Tissue Intl 71(4), 323-328. 10-1-2002.

  80. Lloyd-Jones, D. M., Evans, J. C., Larson, M. G., and Levy, D. Treatment and control of hypertension in the community- a prospective analysis. Hypertension 40(5), 640-646. 11-1-2002.

  81. Djousse, L., Knowlton, B., Cupples, L. A., Marder, K., Shoulson, I., and Myers, R. H. Weight loss in early stage of Huntington's disease. Neurology 59(9), 1325-1330. 11-12-2002.

  82. Tofler, G. H., D'Agostino, R. B., Jacques, P. F., Bostom, A. G., Wilson, P. W. F., Lipinska, I., Mittleman, M. A., and Selhub, J. Association between increased homocysteine levels and impaired fibrinolytic potential: potential mechanism for cardiovascular risk. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 88(5), 799-804. 11-1-2002.

  83. Atwood, L. D., Heard-Costa, N. L., Cupples, L. A., Jaquish, C. E., Wilson, P. W. F., and D'Agostino, R. B. Genomewide linkage analysis of body mass index across 28 years of the Framingham Heart Study. Amer J Human Gen 71(5), 1044-1050. 11-1-2002.

  84. Ordovas, J. M., Corella, D., Demissie, S., Cupples, L. A., Couture, P., Coltell, O., Wilson, P. W. F., Schaefer, E. J., and Tucker, K. L. Dietary fat intake determines the effect of a common polymorphism in the hepatic lipase gene promoter on high-density lipoprotein metabolism- evidence of a strong dose effect in this gene-nutrient interaction in the Framingham Study. Circulation 106(18), 2315-2321. 10-29-2002.

  85. Greenberg, J. A. Hypothesis- The J-shaped follow-up relation bewtween mortality risk and disease risk-factor is due to statistical confounding. medical hypotheses 59(5), 568-576. 11-1-2002.

  86. Karasik, D., Myers, R. H., Hannan, M. T., Gagnon, D., McLean, R. R., Cupples, L. A., and Kiel, D. P. Mapping of quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus bone to chromosome 1 by genome-wide linkage analysis. Osteoporosis Intl 13(10), 796-802. 8-1-2002.

  87. Wang, T. J., Nam, B. H., Wilson, P. W. F., Wolf, P. A., Levy, D., Polak, J. F., D'Agostino, R. B., and O'Donnell, C. J. Association of C-reactive protein with carotid atherosclerosis in men and women: The Framingham Heart Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 22(10), 1662-1667. 10-1-2002.

  88. Levy, D., Kenchaiah, S., Larson, M. G., Benjamin, E. J., Kupka, M. J., Ho, K. K. L., Murabito, J. M., and Vasan, R. S. Long term trends in the incidence of and survival with heart failure. N Engl J Med 347(18), 1397-1402. 10-31-2002.

  89. Haider, A. W., Wilson, P. W. F., Larson, M. G., Evans, J. C., Michelson, E. L., Wolf, P. A., O'Donnell, C. J., and Levy, D. The association of seropositivity to helicobacter pylori, chlamydia pneumonia, and cytomegalovirus with risk of cardiovascular disease- a prospective study. J Am Coll Cardiol 40(8), 1408-1413. 10-16-2002.

  90. Morshedi-Meibodi, A., Larson, M. G., Levy, D., O'Donnell, C. J., and Vasan, R. S. Heart rate recovery after treadmill exercise testing and risk of cardiovascular disease events (The Framingham Heart Study). Amer J Cardiol 90(8), 848-852. 10-15-2002.

  91. Kannel, W. B., Wilson, P. W. F., Nam, B. H., and D'Agostino, R. B. Risk stratification of obesity as a coronary risk factor. Amer J Cardiol 90(7), 697-701. 10-1-2002.

  92. Walsh, C. R., Cupples, L. A., Levy, D., Kiel, D. P., Hannan, M., Wilson, P. W. F., and O'Donnell, C. J. Abdominal aortic calcific deposits are associated with increased risk for congestive heart failure: The Framingham Heart Study. Amer Heart J 144(4), 733-739. 10-1-2002.

  93. Freed, L. A., Benjamin, E. J., Levy, D., Larson, M. G., Evans, J. C., Fuller, D. L., Lehman, B., and Levine, R. A. MItral valve prolapse in the general population - the benign nature of echocardiographic features in the Framingham Heart Study. J Am Coll Cardiol 40(7), 1298-1304. 10-22-2002.

  94. Fine-Edelstein, JS, Wolf, P. A., O'Leary, D. H., Poehlman, M. S., Belanger, A. J., Kase, C. S., and D'Agostino, R. B. Precursors of extracranial carotid atherosclerosis in the Framingham study. Neurology 44, 1046-1050. 6-1-1994.

  95. Wang, T. J., Larson, M. G., Levy, D., Benjamin, E. J., Kupka, M. J., Manning, W. J., Clouse, M. E., D'Agostino, R. B., Wilson, P. W. F., and O'Donnell, C. J. C-reactive protein is associated with subclinical epicardial coronary calcification in men and women - the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 106(10), 1189-1191. 9-3-2002.

  96. Choumenkovitch, S. F., Selhub, J., Wilson, P. W. F., Rader, J. I., Rosenberg, I. H., and Jacques, P. F. Folic acid intake from fortification in United States exceeds prediction. J Nutr 132(9), 2792-2798. 9-1-2002.

  97. Wilson, P. W. F., D'Agostino, R. B., Sullivan, L., Parise, H., and Kannel, W. B. Overweight and obesity as determinants of cardiovascular risk - the Framingham experience. Arch Intern Med 162(16), 1867-1872. 9-9-2002.

  98. Quatromoni, P. A., Copenhafer, D. L., D'Agostino, R. B., and Millen, B. E. Dietary patterns predict the development of overweight in women: The Framingham Nutrition Studies. J Am Diet Assoc 102(9), 1240-1246. 9-1-2002.

  99. Evans, J. C., Larson, M. G., Chen, M. H., Chen, L., Benjamin, E. J., and Levy, D. Incidence and prognosis of syncope. N Engl J Med 347(12), 878-885. 9-19-2002.

  100. Vasan, R. S., Benjamin, E. J., Larson, M. G., Leip, E. P., Wang, T. J., Wilson, P. W. F., and Levy, D. Plasma Natriuretic peptides for community screening for left ventricular hypertrophy and systolic dysfunction- The Framingham Heart Study. JAMA 288(10), 222-228. 9-11-2002.

  101. Karasik, D., Myers, R. H., Cupples, L. A., Hannan, M. T., Gagnon, D. R., Herbert, A., and Kiel, D. P. Genome screen for quantitative trait loci contributing to normal variation in bone mineral density: The Framingham Study. Journal Bone and Min Res 17(9), 1718-1727. 9-2-2002.

  102. Jugdaohsingh, R., McGee, D., Davidsen, M., and Jorgensen, T. A cross-validation of risk-scores for coronary heart disease mortality based on data from the Glostrup population studies and Framingham Heart Study. Int.J.Epidemiol. 31(4), 817-822. 8-2-2002.

  103. McKeown, N. M., Meigs, J. B., Liu, S. M., Wilson, P. W. F., and Jacques, P. F. Whole grain intake is favorably associated with metabolic risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the Framingham Offspring Study. Am J Clin Nutr 76(2), 390-398. 8-2-2002.

  104. Brousseau, M. E., O'Connor, J. J., Ordovas, J. M., Collins, D., Otvos, J. D., Massov, T., McNamara, J. R., Rubins, H. B., Robins, S. J., and Schaefer, E. J. Cholesterol ester transfer protein Taqi B2B2 genotype is associated with higher HDL cholesterol levels and lower risk of coronary heart disease end points in men with HDL deficiency - Veterans Affairs HDL cholesterol intervention trial. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 22(7), 1148-1154. 7-1-2002.

  105. O'Donnell, C. J., Chazaro, I., Wilson, P. W. F., Fox, C., Hannan, M. T., Kiel, D. P., and Cupples, L. A. Evidence for heritability of abdominal calcific deposits in the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 106(3), 337-341. 7-16-2002.

  106. Kenchaiah, S., Evans, J. C., Levy, D., Wilson, P. W. F., Benjamin, E. J., Larson, M. G., Kannel, W. B., and Vasan, R. S. Obesity and the Risk of Heart Failure. N Engl J Med 347(5), 305-313. 8-1-2002.

  107. Murabito, J. M., Evans, J. C., Nieto, K., Larson, M. G., Levy, D., and Wilson, P. W. F. Prevalence and clinical correlates of peripheral arterial disease in the Framingham Offspring. Amer Heart J 143(6), 961-965. 6-1-2002.

  108. Tucker, K. L., Chen, H. L., Hannan, M. T., Cupples, L. A., Wilson, P. W. F., Felson, D., and Kiel, D. P. Bone mineral density and dietary patterns in older adults: the Framingham osteoporosis study. Amer J Clin Nutr 76(1), 245-252. 7-1-2002.

  109. Kerr, W. C., Fillmore, K. M., and Bostrom, A. Stability of alcohol consumption over time: evidence from three longitudinal surveys from the United States. J Stud Alcohol 63(3), 325-333. 5-1-2002.

  110. Glickman, M. E. and Gagnon, D. R. Modeling the effects of genetic factors on late-onset diseases in cohort studies. Lifetime Data Analysis 8(3), 211-228. 9-1-2002.

  111. McKeown, N. M., Jacques, P. F., Gundberg, C. M., Peterson, J. W., Tucker, K. L., Kiel, D. P., Wilson, P. W. F., and Booth, S. L. Dietary and non dietary determinants of vitamin K biochemical measures in men and women. J Nutr 132(6), 1329-1334. 6-1-2002.

  112. Vargas-Martinez, C., Ordovas, J. M., Wilson, P. W., and Selhub, J. The glutamate carboxypeptidase gene II (C>T) polymorphism does not affect folate status in the Framingham Offspring cohort. J Nutr 132(6), 1176-1179. 6-1-2002.

  113. Freed, L. A., Levy, D., Levine, R. A., Evans, J. C., Larson, M. G., Fuller, D. L., Lehman, B., and Benjamin, E. J. Mitral valve prolapse and atrial septal aneurysm: an evaluation in the Framingham Heart Study. Am.J.Cardiol. 89(11), 1326-1330. 6-1-2002.

  114. Felson, D. T., Nevitt, M. C., Zhang, Y. Q., Aliabadi, P., Baumer, B., Gale, D., Li, W., Yu, W., and Xu, L. High prevalence of lateral knee osteoarthritis in Beijing Chinese compared with Framingham caucasian subjects. Arthritis Rheum 46(5), 1217-1222. 5-1-2002.

  115. Walsh, C. R., Larson, M. G., Leip, E. R., Vasan, R. S., and Levy, D. Serum potassium and risk of cardiovascular disease - the Framingham Heart Study. Arch.Intern.Med. 162(9), 1007-1012. 5-13-2002.

  116. Jaffer, F. A., O'Donnell, C. J., Larson, M. G., Chan, S. K., Kissinger, K. V., Kupka, M. J., Salton, C., Botnar, R. M., Levy, D., and Manning, W. J. Age and sex distribution of subclinical aortic atherosclerosis - a magnetic resonance imaging examination of the Framingham Heart Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 22(5), 849-854. 5-1-2002.

  117. Tai, E. S., Demissie, S., Cupples, L. A., Corella, D., Wilson, P. W., Schaefer, E. J., and Ordovas, J. M. Association between the PPARA L162V polymorphism and plasma lipid levels - the Framingham offspring study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 22(5), 805-810. 5-1-2002.

  118. Samelson, E. J., Zhang, Y. Q., Kiel, D. P., Hannan, M. T., and Felson, D. T. Effect of birth control on risk of hip fracture: age specific incidence rates in the Framingham Study. Am J Public Health 92(5), 858-862. 5-1-0002.

  119. Jugdaohsingh, R., Anderson, S. H. C., Tucker, K. L., Elliot, H., Kiel, D. P., Thompson, R. P. H., and Powell, J. J. Dietary silicon intake and absorption. Amer J Clin Nutr 75(5), 887-893. 2002.

  120. Quatromoni, P. A., Copenhafer, D. L., Demissie, S., D'Agostino, R. B., O'Horo, C. E., Nam, B. H., and Millen, B. E. The internal validity of a dietary pattern analysis: the Framingham nutrition studies. J.Epi and Comm Health 5(56), 381-388. 5-1-2002.

  121. Demissie, S., Cupples, L. A., Myers, R., Aliabadi, P., Levy, D., and Felson, D. T. Genome scan for quantity of hand osteoarthritis - the Framingham study. Arthritis Rheum 4(46), 946-952. 4-1-0002.

  122. Djousse, L., Ellison, R. C., Beiser, A., Scaramucci, A., D'Agostino, R. B., and Wolf, P. A. Alcohol consumption and risk of ischemic stroke - the Framingham study. Stroke 33(4), 907-912. 4-1-2002.

  123. Salton, C. J., Chuang, M. L., O'Donnell, C. J., Kupka, M. J., Larson, M. G., Kissinger, K. V., Edelman, R. R., Levy, D., and Manning, W. J. Gender differences and normal left ventricular anatomy in an adult population free of hypertension - a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study of the Framingham Heart Study offspring cohort. J Am Coll Cardiol 39(6), 1055-1060. 3-20-2002.

  124. Joost, O., Wilk, J. B., Cupples, L. A., Harmon, M., Shearman, A. M., Baldwin, C. T., O'Conner, G. T., Myers, R. H., and Gottlieb, D. J. Genetic loci influencing lung function - a genomewide scan in the Framingham study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 165(6), 795-799. 3-15-2002.

  125. Peeters, A., Mamun, A. A., Willekens, F., and Bonneux, L. A cardiovascular life history - a life course analysis of the original Framingham Heart Study cohort. Eur Heart J 23(6), 458-466. 3-1-2002.

  126. Cornfield, J. and Mitchell, S. Selected risk factors in coronary disease. arch environ health 19(1), 382-394. 9-1-1969.

  127. Gates, G. A., Beiser, A., Rees, T. S., D'Agostino, R. B., and Wolf, P. A. Central auditory dysfunction may precede the onset of clinical demetia in people with probable Alzheimer's disease. J Amer Geriatrics 50(3), 482-488. 3-1-2002.

  128. Meigs, J. B., Panhuysen, C. I. M., Myers, R. H., Wilson, P. W. F., and Cupples, L. A. A genome-wide scan for loci linked to plasma levels of glucose and HbA(1c) in a community-based sample of caucasion pedigrees- the Framingham Offspring Study. Diabetes 51(3), 833-840. 3-1-2002.

  129. Rodriguez, B. L., D'Agostino, R., Abbott, R. D., Kagan, A., Burchfiel, C. M., Yano, K., Ross, G. W., Silbershatz, H., Higgins, M. W., Popper, J., Wolf, P. A., and Curb, J. D. Risk of hospitalized stroke in men enrolled in the Honolulu Heart Program and the Framingham Study- a comaprison of incidence and risk factor effects. Stroke 33(1), 230-236. 1-1-2002.

  130. Vasan, R. S., Beiser, A., Seshadri, S., Larson, M. G., Kannel, W. B., D'Agostino, R. B., and Levy, D. Residual lifetime risk for developing hypertension in middle-aged women and men- the Framingham Heart Study. JAMA 287(8), 1003-1010. 2-27-2002.

  131. Walsh, C. R., Larson, M. G., Vasan, R. S., and Levy, D. Serum potassium is not associated with blood pressure tracking in the Framingham Heart Study. Am.J.Hypertens. 15(2), 130-136. 2-1-2002.

  132. Seshadri, S., Beiser, A., Selhub, J., Jacques, P. F., Rosenberg, I. H., D'Agostino, R. B., Wilson, P. W. F., and Wolf, P. A. Plasma Homocysteine as a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med 346(7), 476-483. 2-14-2002.

  133. Jacques, P. F., Kalmbach, R., Bagley, P. J., Russo, G. T., Rogers, G., Wilson, P. W. F., Rosenberg, I. H., and Selhub, J. The relationshsip between riboflavin and plasma total homocystein in the framingham offspring cohort is influenced by floate status and the C677T transition in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene. J Nutr 132(2), 283-288. 2-1-2002.

  134. de Kleijn M.J.J., van der Schouw Y.T., Wilson, P. W. F., Grobbee, D. E., and Jacques, P. F. Dietary intake of Phytoestrogens is associated with a favorable metabolic cardiovascular risk profile in postmenopausal US women: the Framingham Study. J Nutr 132(2), 276-282. 2-1-2002.

  135. Walsh, C. R., Larson, M. G., Evans, J. C., Djousse, L., Ellison, R. C., Vasan, R. S., and Levy, D. Alcohol consumption and risk for conjestive heart failure in the framingham heart study. Annals of Internal Medicine 136(3), 181-191. 2-5-2002.

  136. Tucker, K. L., Hannan, M. T., and Kiel, D. P. The acid-base hypothesis: diet and bone in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. European J of Nutrition 40(5), 231-237. 10-7-2001.

  137. Baldwin, C. T., Cupples, L. A., Joost, O., Demissie, S., Chaisson, C., McAlindon, T., Myers, R. H., and Felson, D. Absence of linkage or association for osteoarthritis with the vitamin D receptor/type II collagen locus: The Framingham Osteoarthritis Study. J.Rheumatol 29(1), 161-165. 1-1-2002.

  138. Vasan, R. S., Massaro, J. M., Wilson, P. W. F., Seshadri, S, Wolf, P. A., Levy, D., and D'Agostino, R. B. Antecedent blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease- The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 105(1), 48-53. 1-1-2002.

  139. Wilson, S. L. and Poulter, N. R. Cardiovascular risk: its assessment in clinical practice. Brit J Biomed Sci 58(4), 248-251. 12-1-2001.

  140. Galluzzi, J. R., Cupples, L. A., Otvos, J. D., Wilson, P. W. F., Schaefer, E. J., and Ordovas, J. M. Association of the A/T54 polymorphism in the intestinal fatty acid binding protein with variations in plasma lipids in the Framingham Offspring Study. 12-8-2001.

  141. Ordovas, J. M., Corella, D., Cupples, L. A., Demissie, S., Kelleher, A., Coltell, O., Wilson, P. W. F., Schaefer, E. J., and Tucker, K. Polyunsaturated fatty acids modulate the effects of the APOA1 G-A polymorphism on HDL-cholesterol concentrations in a sex-specific manner: the Framingham Study. Am J Clin Nutr 75(1), 38-46. 1-9-2002.

  142. Choumenkovitch, S. F., Jacques, P. F., Nadeau, M. R., Wilson, P. W. F., Rosenberg, I. H., and Selhub, J. Folic acid fortification increases red blood cell folate concentrations in the Framingham Study. J Nutr 131(12), 3277-3280. 12-4-2001.

  143. Zhang, Y. Q., Xu, L., Nevitt, M. C., Aliabadi, P., Yu, W., Qin, M. W., Lui, L. Y., and Felson, D. T. Comparison of the prevalance of knee osteoarthritis between the elderly Chinese population in Beijing and whites in the United States - The Beijing osteoarthritis study. Arthritis Rheum 44(9), 2065-2071. 9-7-2001.

  144. Gottlieb, D. J., Wilk, J. B., Harmon, M., Evans, J. C., Joost, O., Levy, D., O'Conner, G. T., and Myers, R. H. Heritability of longitudinal change in lung function - the Framingham Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 164(9), 1655-1659. 11-1-2001.

  145. Vasan, R. S., Larson, M. G., Leip, E. P., Kannel, W. B., and Levy, D. Assessment of frequency of progression to hypertension in nonhypertensive participants in the Framingham Heart Study: a cohort study. Lancet 358(9294), 1682-1686. 11-17-2001.

  146. Kiel, D. P., Hannan, M. T., Broe, K. E., Felson, D. T., and Cupples, L. A. Can metacarpal cortical area predict the occurence of hip fracture in women and men over 3 decades of follow-up? Results from the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. J Bone Min Res 16(12), 2260-2266. 12-1-2001.

  147. Rost, N. S., Wolf, P. A., Kase, C. S., Kelly-Hayes, M., Silbershatz, H., Massaro, J. M., D'Agostino, R. B., Franzblau, C., and Wilson, P. W. F. Plasma concentration of C-reactive protein and risk of ischemic stroke and transient ischmiec attack - the Framingham study. Stroke 32, 2575-2579. 11-5-2001.

  148. Murabito, J. M., Evans, J. C., Larson, M. G., Kreger, B. E., Splansky, G. L., Freund, K. M., Moskowitz, M. A., and Wilson, P. W. F. Family breast cancer history and mammography - Framingham offspring study. Amer J Epidemiol 154, 916-923. 11-15-2001.

  149. Vasan, R. S., Larson, M. G., Leip, E. P., Evans, J. C., O'Donnell, C. J., Kannel, W. B., and Levy, D. Impact of high-normal blood pressure on the risk of cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 345, 1291-1297. 11-1-2001.

  150. LaValley, M., McAlindon, T. E., Evans, S., Chaisson, C. E., and Felson, D. T. Problems in the development and validatioin of questionnaire based screen instruments for ascertaining cases with sympotomatic knee osteoarthritis - The Framingham Study. Arthritis Rheum 44, 1105-1113. 5-1-2001.

  151. Seshadri, S, Wolf, P. A., Beiser, A., Vasan, R. S., Wilson, P. W. F., Kase, C. S., Kelly-Hayes , M., Kannel, W. B., and D'Agostino, R. B. Elevated midlife blood pressure increases stroke risk in elderly person- the Framingham study. Arch Intern Med 161, 2343-2350. 10-22-2001.

  152. Haveman-Nies, A, Tucker, K. L., de Groot LCPGM, Wilson, P. W. F., and van Staveren, W. A. Evaluation of dietary quality in relationship to nutritional and lifestyle factors in elderly people in the US Framingham Heart Study and the European SENECA study. European J of Clin Nutr 55, 870-880. 10-1-2001.

  153. Guidry, U. C., Mendes, L. A., Evans, J. C., Levy, D., O'Conner, G. T., Larson, M. G., Gottlieb, D. J., and Benjamin, E. J. Echocardiographic features of the right heart in sleep disordered breathing - the Framingham Heart Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 164, 933-938. 9-15-2001.

  154. Meigs JB, Haffner SM, Nathan DM, D'Agostino RB, Wilson PWF. Sample exchange to compare insulin measurements between the San Antonio Heart Study and the Framingham Offspring Study. J Clin Epidemiol 2001;54:1031-36.

  155. Mukamal KJ, Jadhav PP, D'Agostino RB, Massaro JM, Mittleman MA, Lipinska I et al. Alcohol consumption and hemostatic factors: analysis of the Framingham offspring cohort. Circulation 2001;104:13.

  156. Millen BE, Quatromoni PA, Copenhafer DL, Demissie S, O'Horo CE, D'Agostino RB. Validation of a dietary pattern approach for evaluating nutritional risk: The Framingham Nutrition Studies. J Am Diet Assoc 2001;101:187-94.

  157. Russo GT, Meigs JB, Cupples LA, Demissie S, Otvos JD, Wilson PWF et al. Association of the Sst-1 polymorphism at the APOC3 gene locus with variations in lipid levels, lipoprotein subclass profiles and coronary heart disease risk: the Framingham offspring study. Atherosclerosis 2001;158:173-81.

  158. Fleming DJ, Jacques PF, Massaro JM, D'Agostino RB, Wilson PWF, Wood RJ. Aspirin intake and the use of serum ferritin as a measure of iron status. Am.J.Clin.Nutr. 2001;74:219-26.

  159. Meigs JB, Jacques PF, Selhub J, Singer DE, Nathan DM, Rifai N et al. Fasting plasma homocysteine levels in the insulin resistance syndrome - The Framingham Offspring Study. Diabetes Care 2001;24:1403-10.

  160. Feng DL, Lindpaintner K, Larson MG, O'Donnell CJ, Lipinska I, Sutherland PA et al. Platelet glycoprotein IIIa P1(A) polymorphism, fibrinogen, and platelet aggregability - The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001;104:140-44.

  161. D'Agostino RB, Grundy S, Sullivan LM, Wilson P. Validation of the Framingham Coronary Heart Disease prediction scores - results of a multiple ethnic groups investigation. JAMA 2001;286:180-87.

  162. O'Donnell CJ, Larson MG, Feng DL, Sutherland PA, Lindpaintner K, Myers RH et al. Genetic and environmental contribution to platelet aggregation - The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001;103:3051-56.

  163. Wilson PWF, Kauppila LI, O'Donnell CJ, Douglas PK, Hannan M, Polak J et al. Abdominal aortic calcific deposits are an important predictor of vascular morbidity and mortality. Circulation 2001;103:1529-34.

  164. Adlercreutz H, Mazur W, Grobbee DE, Jacques PF. Intake of dietary phytoestrogens is low in postmenopausal women in the United States: The Framingham Study. J Nutr 2001;131:1826-32.

  165. Galluzzi JR, Cupples LA, Meigs JB, Wilson PFW, Schaefer EJ, Ordovas JM. Association of the ala54-thr polymorphism in the intestinal fatty acid-binding protein with 2-h postchallenge insulin levels in the Framingham Offspring Study. Diabetes Care 2001;24:1161-66.

  166. Worzala K, Hiller R, Sperduto RD, Mutalik K, Murabito JM, Moskowitz M et al. Postmenopausal estrogen use, type of menopause, and lens opacities- The Framingham Studies. Arch.Intern.Med. 2001;161:1448-54.

  167. Friso S, Jacques PF, Wilson PWF, Rosenberg IH, Selhub J. Low circulating vitamin B-6 is associated with elevation of the inflammation marker C-reactive protein independently of plasma homocysteine levels. Circulation 2001;103:2788-91.

  168. Kiel DP, Kauppila LI, Cupples LA, Hannan MT, O'Donnell CJ, Wilson PWF. Bone loss and the progression of abdominal aortic calcification over a 25 year period: The Framingham Heart Study. Calcified Tissue Intl 2001;68:271-76.

  169. Franklin SS, Larson MC, Khan SA, Wong ND, Leip EP, Kannel WB et al. Does the relation of blood pressure to coronary heart disease risk change with aging? The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001;103:1245-49.

  170. Djousse L, Levy D, Cupples LA, Evans JC, D'Agostino RB, Ellison RC. Total serum bilirubin and risk of cardiovascular disease in the Framingham Offspring Study. Amer J Cardiol 2001;87:1196-200.

  171. Lloyd-Jones DM, O'Donnell CJ, D'Agostino RB, Massaro J, Silbershatz H, Wilson PWF. Applicability of cholesterol-lowering primary prevention trials to a general population - The Framingham heart study. Arch.Intern.Med. 2001;161:949-54.

  172. Corella D, Tucker K, Lahoz C, Coltell O, Cupples LA, Wilson PEF et al. Alcohol drinking determines the effect of the APOE locus on LDL-cholesterol concentrations in men: the Framingham Offspring Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:736-45.

  173. Zee RYL, Myers RH, Hannan MT, Wilson PWF, Ordovas JM, Schaefer EJ et al. Absence of linkage for bone mineral density to chromosome 12q12-14 in the region of the vitamin D receptor gene. Calcified Tissue Intl 2001;67:434-39.

  174. Brousseau ME, Bodzioch M, Schaefer EJ, Goldkamp AL, Kielar D, Probst M et al. Common varients in the gene encoding ATP-binding cassette transporter 1 in men with low HDL cholesterol levels and coronary heart disease. Atherosclerosis 2001;154:607-11.

  175. Lahoz C, Schaefer EJ, Cupples LA, Wilson PWF, Levy D, Osgood D et al. Apolipoprotein E genotype and cadiovascular disease in the Framingham Heart Study. Atherosclerosis 2001;154:529-37.

  176. Fleming DJ, Jacques PF, Tucker KL, Massaro JM, D'Agostino RB, Wilson PWF et al. Iron status of the free-living, elderly Framingham Heart Study cohort: an iron-replete population with high prevalence of elevated iron stores. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:638-46.

  177. Jacques PF, Bostom AG, Wilson PWF, Rich S, Rosenberg IH, Selhub J. Determinants of plasma total homocysteine concentration in the Framingham Offspring cohort. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:613-21.

  178. Hadigan C, Meigs JB, Rabe J, D'Agostino RB, Wilson PWF, Lipinska I et al. Increased PAI-1 and tPA antigen levels are reduced with metformin therapy in HIV-infected patients with fat redistribution and insulin resistance. J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab. 2001;86:939-43.

  179. LaValley MP, McAlindon TE, Chaisson CE, Levy D, Felson DT. The validity of different definitions of radiographic worsening for longitudinal studies of knee osteoarthritis. J.Clin.Epidemiol. 2001;54:30-39.

  180. Feng DL, D'Agostino RB, Silbershatz H, Lipinska I, Massaro J, Levy D et al. Hemostatic state and atrial fibrillation (The Framingham Offspring study). Am J Cardiol 2001;87:168-71.

  181. Zhang YQ, Felson DT, Ellison RC, Kreger BE, Schatzkin A, Dorgan JF et al. Bone mass and the risk of colon cancer among postmenopausal woman- The Framingham Study. Am J Epidemiol 2001;153:31-37.

  182. McNamara JR, Shah PK, Nakajima K, Cupples LA, Wilson PWF, Ordovas JM et al. Remnant-like particle (RLP) cholesterol is an independent cardiovascular disease risk factor in women: results from the Framingham Heart Study. Atherosclerosis 2001;154:229-36.

  183. Djousse L, Levy D, Murabito JM, Cupples LA, Ellison RC. Alcohol consumption and risk of intermittent claudication in the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2000;102:3092-97.

  184. Amin S, Zhang YQ, Sawin DT, Evans SR, Hannan MT, Kiel DP et al. Association of hypogonadism and estradiol levels with bone mineral density in elderly men for the Framingham study. Ann Intern Med 2000;133:951-63.

  185. Meigs JB, Cupples LA, Wilson PWF. Parental transmission of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 2000;49:2201-07.

  186. Levy D, DeStefano AL, Larson MG, O'Donnell CJ, Lifton RP, Gavras H et al. Evidence for a gene influencing blood pressure on chromosome 17: genome scan linkage results for longitudinal blood pressure phenotypes in subjects from the Framingham Heart Study. Hypertension 2000;36:477-83.

  187. Stec JJ, Silbershatz H, Tofler GH, Matheney TH, Sutherland P, Lipinska I et al. Association of fibrinogen with cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disease in the Framingham offspring population. Circulation 2000;102:1634-38.

  188. Kim KS, Owen WL, Williams D, Adams-Campbell LL. A comparison between bmi and conicity index on predicting coronary heart disease: the Framingham Heart Study. Ann Epidemiol 2000;10:424-31.

  189. Zhang Y, Cupples LA, Rosenberg L, Colton T, Kreger BE. Parental ages at birth in relation to a daughter's risk of breast cancer among female participants in teh Framingham Study. Cancer Causes Control 1995;6:23-29.

  190. Cupples LA, Weinberg J, Beiser A, Auerbach SH, Volicer L, Cipolloni PB et al. Effects of smoking, alcohol and apoe genotype on alzheimer disease: the mirage study. Alzheimer's Reports 2000;3:105-14.

  191. Culleton BF, Larson MG, Parfrey PS, Kannel WB, Levy D. Proteinuria as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality in older people: a prospective study. Am J Med 2000;109:1-8.

  192. Beiser A, D'Agostino RB, Seshadri S, Sullivan LM, Wolf PA. Computing estimates of incidence, including lifetime risk: alzheimer's disease in the Framingham Study. the practical incidence estimators (PIE) macro. Stat Med 2000;19:1495-522.

  193. Elias MF, Beiser A, Wolf PA, Au R, White RF, D'Agostino RB. The preclinical phase of alzheimer disease - a 22-year prospective study of the Framingham cohort. Arch Neurol 2000;57:808-13.

  194. Lloyd-Jones DM, Evans JC, Larson MG, O'Donnell CJ, Roccella EJ, Levy D. Differential control of systolic and diastolic blood pressure: factors associated with lack of blood pressure control in the community. Hypertension 2000;36:594-99.

  195. Singh JP, Larson MG, O'Donnell CJ, Wilson PF, Tsuji H, Lloyd-Jones DM et al. Association of hyperglycemia with reduced heart rate variability: the Framingham Heart Study. Am J Cardiol 2000;86:309-12.

  196. Shearman AM, Ordovas JM, Cupples LA, Schaefer EJ, Harmon MD, Shao Y et al. Evidence for a gene influencing the TG/HDL-C ratio on chromosome 7q32.3-qter: a genome-wide scan in the Framingham Study. Hum Mol Genet 2000;9:1315-20.

  197. Moore LL, Visioni AJ, Wilson PWF, D'Agostino RB, Finkle WD, Ellison RC. Can sustained weight loss in overweight individuals reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus? Epidemiology 2000;11:269-73.

  198. Meigs JB, Ordovas JM, Cupples LA, Singer DE, Nathan DM, Schaefer EJ et al. Apolipoprotein e isoform polymorphisms are not associated with insulin resistance. Diabetes Care 2000;23:669-74.

  199. Hannan MT, Tucker KL, Dawson-Hughes B, Cupples LA, Felson DT, IH. Effect of dietary protein on bone loss in elderly men and women: the Framingham Osteoporosis study. J Bone Min Res 2000;15:2504-12.

  200. Chen L, Chen MH, Larson MG, Evans J, Benjamin EJ, Levy D. Risk factors for syncope in a community-based sample (The Framingham Heart Study). Am J Cardiol 2000;85:1189-93.

  201. Ordovas JM, Cupples LA, Corella D, Otvos JD, Osgood D, Martinez A et al. Association of cholesteryl ester transfer protein-TaqIB polymorphism with variations in lipoprotein subclasses and coronary heart disease risk: The Framingham Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2000;20:1323-29.

  202. Zhang YQ, Hannan MT, Chaisson CE, McAlindon TE, Evans SR, Aliabadi P et al. Bone mineral density and risk of incident and progressive radiographic knee osteoarthritis in women: the Framingham Study. J Rheumatol 2000;27:1032-37.

  203. McLean RR, Hannan MT, Epstein BE, Bouxsein ML, Cupples LA, Murabito J et al. Elderly cohort study subjects unable to return for follow-up have lower bone mass than those who can return. Am J Epidemiol 2000;151:689-92.

  204. Kannel WB, Wilson PWF. Lipid control in the pre-satin era, In: Gaw A, Packard CJ, Shepherd J, editors. Statins the HMG CoA reductase inhibitors in perspective. London: Martin Dunitz; 2000. p. 21-33.

  205. Gates GA, Schmid P, Kujawa SG, Nam B, D'Agostino R. Longitudinal threshold changes in older men with audiometric notches. Hearing Research 2000;141:220-28.

  206. Couture P, Otvos JD, Cupples LA, Lahoz C, Wilson PWF, Schaefer EJ et al. Association of the C-514T polymorphism in the hepatic lipase gene with variations in lipoprotein subclass profiles: the Framingham Offspring Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2000;20:815-22.

  207. Kannel WB. Fifty years of Framingham Study contributions to understanding hypertension. J Hum Hypertension 2000;14:83-90.

  208. Booth SL, Tucker KL, Chen H, Hannan MT, Gagnon DR, Cupples LA et al. Dietary vitamin k intakes are associated with hip fracture but no with bone mineral density in elderly men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:1201-08.

  209. Kannel WB. Vital epidemiologic clues in heart failure. J Clin Epidemiol 2000;53:229-35.

  210. D'Agostino RB, Russell MW, Huse DM, Ellison RC, Silbershatz H, Wilson PWF et al. Primary and subsequent coronary risk appraisal: new results from the Framingham Study. Am Heart J 2000;139:272-81.

  211. Edmond SL, Felson DT. Prevalence of back symptoms in elders. J Rheumatol 2000;27:220-25.

  212. Kannel WB. Risk stratification in hypertension: new insights from the Framingham Study. Am J Hypertension 2000;13:3S-10S.

  213. Poli KA, Tofler GH, Larson MG, Evans JC, Sutherland PA, Lipinska I et al. Association of blood pressure with fibrinolytic potential in the Framingham Offspring Population. Circulation 2000;101:264-69.

  214. Port S, Demer L, Jennrich R, Walter D, Garfinkel A. Systolic blood pressure and mortality. The Lancet 2000;355:175-80.

  215. Tucker KL, Rich S, Rosenberg I, Jacques P, Dallal G, Wilson PWF et al. Plasma vitamin B-12 concentrations relate to intake source in the Framingham Offspring Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:514-22.

  216. Kannel WB. Elevated systolic blood pressure as a cardiovascular risk factor. Am J Cardiol 2000;85:251-55.

  217. Meigs JB, Mittleman MA, Nathan DM, Tofler GH, Singer DE, Murphy-Sheehy PM et al. Hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and impaired hemostasis: the Framingham Offspring Study. JAMA 2000;283:221-28.

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