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National Organization of Professional Hispanic NRCS Employees

National Council Meeting Minutes - June 24, 2008

Carlos Suárez, President called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM CST

Roll call was taken and quorum established.


Carlos Suárez, President; Irma Hernández, Secretary; Heather Medina, Reg Rep - MW; María Collazo, Reg Rep - E; Jazelle Jusino, Reg Rep - SE; Roney Gutiérrez, Reg Rep - W; Rick Tafoya, Treasurer;  Cresencio Pérez, Reg Rep – SC; Herman García, Reg Rep - NP


Mario Morales, Vice-President; Tony Reséndez, Executive VP; Carlos Morganti, Reg Rep -C;

Note: National Council-7 members required for a quorum

Visitors reporting: Astrid Martínez

Changes to the Agenda: Carlos Suárez requested a motion to approve the meeting agenda. Herman García made the motion to approve the agenda, Rick Tafoya seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

Approval of minutes: Irma Hernández discussed the April meeting draft minutes. Carlos Suárez requested a motion to approve the minutes. Rick Tafoya made a motion to approve the minutes. Cresencio Pérez seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Rick Tafoya presented the May treasurer's report. Carlos Suárez requested a motion to approve the treasurer's report. Irma Hernández made a motion to approve the treasurer's report. Heather Medina seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

Treasurer's Position: Rick Tafoya notified the Council that he is stepping down as the NOPHNRCSE Treasurer, effective immediately. Rick has accepted a job with the Forest Service in New Mexico. Rick wanted to inform the Council so the Council could appoint someone immediately because the conference is approaching quickly. Rick shared with the Council members his future plans and the possibility that he will still be a member and be able to participate in future NOPHNRCSE conferences in his new capacity as a Regional Outreach Coordinator.  Carlos Sáarez shared motivational words and recognized Rick's outstanding performance during this last year. Carlos encouraged Rick Tafoya to continue as an active member of NOPHNRCSE.

Carlos Suárez explained that it was imperative to appoint a new interim Treasurer that can serve during the conference. Carlos suggested that we offer the member who was the first runner up in last year's election process to be the interim treasurer. The National Council members followed Article II G (2) of the by Laws:

2- If a vacancy occurs among the membership of the National Council other  than the President, an interim appointment shall be made by the president subject to the approval of the majority of the National Council.

Irma Hernández made the motion to appoint Jorge Camacho as the interim Treasurer until the new President is in place and can appoint a permanent Treasurer for this year. Herman García seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

Election Results: Carlos Suárez informed the Council members that he received the elections results yesterday. His intentions were to share the full report with the Council members but because he has not been able to talk with all the candidates he preferred to wait and release the results at a later time. The Council members voted for the information to be shared because it was not going to change the votes anyway. Carlos read the 2008 Election report and the Council members agreed to honor Carlos as the messenger of the results.

Rick Tafoya expressed a concern due to the lack of participation during the nomination/election process. Irma Hernández commented that NOPHNRCSE members have to take responsibility and have commitment with the organization. She said that the members have to step up and volunteer their time accepting positions to support the organization.

Other Council members didn’t think there was enough time for voting.

Roney Gutiérrez expressed a concern about not losing the initiatives and concerns that the current Council has discussed. Irma Hernández suggested developing a report that lists decisions, initiatives, changes and concerns that this Council has.

2008 Conference: Astrid Martínez reported the updates from the Conference Planning Committee. Astrid reported 150 members registered, 4 exhibits, 15 students attending and she had in her possession the scholarship recipients.

Regional Representative Reports

Jazelle Jusino, SE - Jazelle has forwarded job announcements to members. She has answered questions related to elections.

Heather Medina, MW - Heather has forwarded job announcements to members.

Cresencio Pérez, SC - Cresencio has forwarded job announcements to members.

Herman García, NP - Herman has forwarded job announcements to members. Herman informed the council that this is his last meeting on the council.

Roney Gutiérrez, W - Roney reported he has a dozen members waiting for approval to attend the conference.

María Collazo, E - Has forwarded emails to members. Distributed conference information, job announcements and confirmed contact information. She cooperated with Membership Committee Chair on her effort to update the membership database.

Other business/Request for Translation: Irma Hernández presented the Council a request she received from the East National Technology Center (ENTSC) to translate "A Blueprint for success". The documents are in Irma’s possession. The material is mostly in the form of fact sheets. The content is a Conservation Technology Tool for small farms. She explained the information she received from the Delaware State Resource Conservationist. The Council supports the idea of NOPHNRCSE translating these fact sheets. Carlos Suárez asked Irma Hernández to contact Arthuro Carvajal, Natural Resources Chairperson, needs to evaluate the workload and cost that this job will take and make a proposal to the Council. This will lead the way for establishing new procedures for future requests.

Carlos Suárez requested a motion to adjourn.  Herman García made a motion to adjourn. Heather Medina seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

Carlos Suárez requested a motion to adjourn. Mario Morales made a motion to adjourn. Cresencio Pérez seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM CST.

Carlos Suárez, President
Irma Hernández, Secretary

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