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National Organization of Professional Hispanic NRCS Employees

National Council Meeting Minutes - February 19, 2008

Mario Morales, Vice-President called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM CST

Roll call was taken and quorum established.


Carlos Suarez, President; Irma Hernandez, Secretary; Edwin Almodóvar, Reg Rep - MW; Maria Collazo, Reg Rep - E; Jazelle Jusino, Reg Rep - SE; Roney Gutiérrez, Reg Rep - W; Rick Tafoya, Treasurer; Mario Morales, Vice-President; Carlos Morganti, Reg Rep -C


Tony Resendez, Executive VP,  Cresencio Perez, Reg Rep – SC,  Herman Garcia, Reg Rep - NP

Note: National Council-7 members required for a quorum

Approval of minutes: Irma Hernandez discussed the January meeting minutes. Mario Morales requested a motion to approve the minutes. Rick Tafoya made a motion to approve last meeting minutes. Jazelle Jusino seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Rick Tafoya presented the January treasurer’s report. María Collazo made a motion to approve the January treasurer’s report as presented. Edwin Almodóvar seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

On-going Business:

External Audit

Rick Tafoya gave the committee an update on the external audit. Rick explained to the committee that we should conduct a financial review that will establish financial information to conduct a full audit. This will bring the organization back in good standing with the IRS. The financial report will provide a list of items that the organization can do to improve. The cost of the financial report for one calendar year is approximately $1,400. The auditor performing the review will look at the organization structure, and how the national council operates. It will be a comprehensive report. Rick made a strong recommendation as the organization treasurer to move ahead and do the financial report to get back to the right track as an organization before a red flag is raised by the IRS. Rick clarified that conducting a financial report is not sufficient to meet the IRS requirements but it will be a way to start addressing the problem. Lack of historical information makes the process more difficult.

Irma Hernandez asked Rick if he talked to Jorge Camacho that holds a position with the organization that includes audits. She mentioned that he may have some history of past audits and information needed for the financial report. Rick Tafoya indicated that he will contact Jorge to ask for any information that he may have. He also expressed that the financial report estimated cost is very reasonable. Mario requested a motion to conduct the financial report. Maria made a motion to proceed with the financial report and Irma seconded the motion. No more discussion, motion carried.

Wells Fargo Financial Institution

Rick presented a concern of the outrageous fees Wells Fargo charges NOPHRCSE. He considers that the fees are too high and unnecessary. For example, Wells Fargo charges the organization $3.00 for account electronic look up of deposits, fees for credit card machines, deposit slips and other transactions. Rick explained that we can operate nationally and still have the money with a small local bank that charges less on everything. In addition they can give us a credit card for deposits only.

Irma Hernandez said that the credit card for deposit only is a great option because it will resolve the inconvenience of not having Wells Fargo branches in the east coast. When she was the Membership Committee Chair, she and organization members were very frustrated because the checks had to be mailed to the other side of the country to be cashed. Members were upset because they didn’t clear quickly enough.

Mari Collazo asked about interest rates. Rick Tafoya explained that he compared the local bank with a big bank and the rates are competitive.

Roney asked if there is any risk if years down the road we need to physically go to the bank. Rick added that there is always risk but even if situations presented in the future he thinks that they can be resolved over the phone.

Mario Morales requested a motion to change the organization financial institution to a local bank. Irma made the motion to change our institutional bank to a local small bank. Maria seconded the motion to change to a small local bank. Roney Gutierrez requested a report or rational of why it’s more cost effective and which accounts should go where. Rick Tafoya agreed to provide a comparison and recommended to look at other banks.

Irma Hernandez withdraws her motion to wait for the comparison. Maria Collazo withdraws the second. Motion withdrawn.


Mario Morales presented three options for the new NOPHNRCSE website. Roney Gutierrez asked for an analysis and recommendations. Mario Morales asked to table this discussion until he can present more information to the Council. Tabled for discussion on next meeting.

NOPHNRCSE Institutional Historical Data

Irma explained the importance of the organization historical institutional data. She expressed that as an organization we don’t have one central location to store the National Council efforts and decisions made. She gave an example of new initiatives that the council has started when there was past councils that spent significant amounts of time and efforts. There is a lot of duplication of work. She has been contacted by members explaining that some of the new initiatives are not that new because past Council started working on them. Mario Morales clarified that Patrick Corner is working on collecting institutional historical data. Irma Hernandez will call Patrick to offer to assist him on this task. Her idea is to have a password protected link on the website where only active Council members will have access to it. Once the members come off the Council they no longer have access to this site.


Carlos Suarez provided the Council with an update on the proposal that NOPHNRCSE offered for a joint meeting. AIANEA evaluated all the proposals and decided not to join NOPHNRCSE at the annual conference.

La Voz Newsletter

Carlos Suarez brought to Mario’s attention to inform Stella Santos that the last edition of La Voz did not have consistency in font size, type or letter. Carlos asked that the newsletter get sent to him and to Mario Morales for review before it is sent to Irma Hernandez for distribution. This is important to keep a professional appearance.

2008 NOPHNRCSE National Conference

Committee Reports

Registration - Registration form is ready for distribution.

Moderators - 17 candidates, maybe we need 8-10 more. Send acceptance letter by the end of the month to STC.

Hospitality room - Kent will provide pictures of the hospitality room to see the facilities. Kegs instead of bottles will be use to control under age drinking, working on how they will advertise operation hours, will locate a place on the badge for stamp.

Auction - Working on T-shirts and polo’s. Looking for auctioneer.

Communication - Newsletter was just put out last week! The committee will be mailing out the "Save the Date" postcard hopefully about the 1st or 2nd week of March. Astrid picked two different postcards. The committee will be printing them at the RC&D office, the organization will provide the ink and they will lend us the printer for the postcards.

Program Committee - Speakers are secured and band for the dance selected.

Tech Papers - Will be sending out call for papers by the end of the week.

Exhibits - Invitation letter will be send out by the end of the week.

Students - Memo requesting mentors was sent for the newsletter. A trifold brochure with career opportunities and different work opportunities will be published to give to the students. No applications have been received; a message should be send to all membership that breakfast is open to everybody. HEPM and FWP training will be held on Monday.

Local Arrangements/Tours - Buses contract is on its way, working on reservation of the tours, sent tour information to program committee. Kent contacted catering company for lunch boxes.

Awards - Notification requesting nominations was sent to La Voz, regional reps and posted on the web site.

Equipment & Tech - There is a printer/copier/fax machine that can be brought over to help out with printing needs.

Astrid Martinez asked the Council if she can reduce the stops during the tours to add more training.

Carlos contacted NEDC to have two trainings. Funding required for administrative cost only. Possible trainings: Supervising for Excellence and Managing for excellence.

Roney Gutierrez suggested a meeting at the conference to introduce new members.

He also recommended games, competitions or something to bring us together. Astrid Martinez informed that there is a committee working on that.

Regional Representative Reports

Jazelle Jusino, SE - Jazelle has forwarded job announcements to members. She informed the council and forwarded to Irma two positions that she has available.

Carlos Morganti, Caribbean - Carlos has forwarded job announcements and other information to members. Carlos is participating in a job fair next week.

Edwin Almodóvar - Edwin has forwarded job announcements and other information to members. He announced that he would no longer be part of the National Council due to a promotion to NY. Carlos Suarez explained that he would have to resign and recommend someone. Edwin came aboard with the Council to cover Rene Nicholson. Carlos recommended someone finish his Edwin’s term which is until the end of this year.

Edwin Almodóvar recommended Heather Medina to be his substitute until the term is up and we do official elections for the position.

Roney Gutierrez, W - Roney has sent information via email to members. Roney participated in a job fair last month. He visited with the National Hispanic local council to promote students to go to the conference.

Maria Collazo, NE - She has sent information via email to members. She indicated that her term is over in summer 2008.

Other Business:

Irma mentioned a Five State Proposal for future conference location. She has talked with the state conservationist’s of NY, DE, PA, MD, NY & NJ.

Minutes Distribution and Database tabled for discussion on the next teleconference.

Next Meeting in March 17 2008.

Time: 6:00PM CST

Mario Morales requested a motion to adjourn. Rick Tafoya made a motion to adjourn. Roney Gutierrez seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM CST.

Carlos Suarez, President
Irma Hernandez, Secretary

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