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Personnel Security Branch Publications

Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Access and Responsibilities (PDF;189Kb - dated 6/1/07)

Federal Regulations
E.O. 10450 Security Requirements for Government Employment
E.O. 12968 Access to Classified Information and Background Investigations Standards
5 CFR 371 Suitability Regulations

Directives and Handbooks
DR #4430-792-2 (PDF; 179Kb) - Drug Free Workplace Program

DR #4600-001 (PDF;41Kb) - USDA Personnel Security Clearance Program

DR #4600-2 (PDF; 47Kb) - Procedures for Denial or Revocation for Access to National Security Information

Personnel Security Manual -- *TBA
Read online (html), Download (.doc)

Bulletins - The Personnel Document and Security Division (PDSD) issues Personnel Security Bulletins periodically to keep interested parties throughout USDA apprised of relevant information concerning the Department’s personnel security program.

Information Security Staff Publications


Federal Regulations

E.O. 12958 - Classified National Security Information
32 CFR Parts 2001 and 2004 (PDF; 166Kb) - Classified National Security Information Directive No. 1
Revised ISOO Marking Booklet (PDF; 3819Kb)
Overnight Delivery of Secret and Confidential Information

Directives and Handbooks

DR #3440-2 (PDF; 107Kb) - Control and Protection of Sensitive Security Information

DM #3440-001 (PDF; 441Kb) - USDA Classified National Security Information Program Manual

DM #3440-001 (PDF;342Kb) - USDA Classified National Security Information Program Regulation

ISOO Marking Booklet-October 2007 (PDF;662Kb)

Publications of Note


Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 - Title III: Security Clearances section (PDF; 54Kb)

E.O. 12829 National Industrial Security Program Manual

Procedures for Denial or Revocation for Access to National Security Information (DR 4600-2) (PDF; 47Kb) - Appeals process for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) employees determined ineligible for access to classified information pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 12968.

E.O. 12958 (PDF; 80Kb) - E.O. 12958 gives the Secretary of Agriculture Original Classification Authority up to the “Secret” level (September 26, 2002)

  Structure and Organization
    Organization Chart
    Personnel Security Branch
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    PDSD Bulletins
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    GSA Forms Library The GSA Forms Library contains hundreds of electronic forms in a variety of formats including Accessible FormNet, PDF, and FormFlow
    USDA Desktop Reference for Classified Information
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see also
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