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Pennsylvania office of USDA-NASS

Current Survey Activities

The Pennsylvania Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service will be conducting the following surveys in the upcoming months:


USDA to Count Inventory of Hogs & Pigs: July 21, 2008

USDA to Survey Farmers' Harvested Acreage: July 18, 2008

USDA to Measure Farmers' Crop Yields: July 11, 2008

USDA to Survey Farmers' Planted Crop Acreage: May 1, 2008

USDA to Conduct Quarterly Hog and Pig Survey: Apr 18, 2008

USDA to Measure Farmers' Small Grain Yields: Mar 17, 2008

USDA to Survey Farmers' Planting Intentions for 2008: Jan 18, 2008

Economic Surveys to Measure Farm Financial Health: Jan 16, 2008

Detailed information on these surveys is included in the release. We depend on the voluntary cooperation of farmers and other agricultural producers in all these studies. Please help us let Pennsylvania growers know about these upcoming surveys in your meetings, publications, or broadcasts. When growers are better informed about the importance of these studies, we hope to get a better response which translates into high quality and accurate agricultural statistics.

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