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Trade Topics

Easing the Business Visa Process

Need help getting a business visa for your overseas client? Understanding the basics of obtaining a visa can greatly ease the process, benefiting both you and your overseas client. more...

Advocacy: Leveling the Playing Field

The Advocacy Center is a division of the United States Government that is dedicated to helping U.S. exporters level the playing field when it comes to dealing with foreign governments. Find out how it can help you. more...

The Basics of the ATA Carnet

An ATA carnet is an international customs document that is sometimes referred to as a “merchandise passport.” This particular document may help exporters to avoid some fees and taxes (i.e. VAT) when exporting goods overseas for a short duration. In addition, it serves as the registration of goods in transit for the United States. more...

Big Changes for Export Enforcement Penalties

Several key government import-export compliance initiatives expected to have a major impact on U.S. companies are rapidly taking final shape. These include a new Export Administration Act with far larger penalties, a requirement for substantially more detailed electronic import submissions, and creation of an entirely new Country Group C called “Destinations of Diversion Control.” more...

Do Standards Affect My Company?

If a company wants to succeed in the global marketplace, it is absolutely necessary to pay strict attention to international standards that may affect exports. These international standards not only affect the major trade powers, but are being adopted by even the most unlikely countries. Don't be surpised or left out of what's going on. more...

How to Find Your HS or Schedule B Number

An HS (Harmonized System) or Schedule B Number is a number assigned to a product for classification purposes. They help authorities to quickly identify a product. By international agreement, most countries around the world recognize the same first 6 digits of the number. This helps to speed the export process, and to minimalize confusion and misunderstanding that may occur when trying to identify a product descriptively. more...

Essential Advice for Doing Business in China

A key list of "do's and don'ts" of doing business in China draws from the experience of American companies with successful sales in China, as well as information from the U.S. Department of Commerce. more...

Heat Treatment in Wood Packaging

Wood packaging material made of unprocessed raw wood can spread pests, which can lead to serious problems around the world. Globally approved measures have been established to reduce this threat and protect local environments. If you use wood packaging for your products, the material should be heated in agreement with regulations stated in the ISPM-15. more...

Libya: A Prospective Market

Libya, a recent market of the month, is a country located in North Africa between Egypt and Algeria. With the recent retraction of economic sanctions against Libya, this market now presents a promising outlet to U.S. companies. more...

Globe of Money
Plane in Flight