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Accounts Payable
ORNL Contracts Staff
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Jerome K. Hicks, Director, Contracts
Angie Calloway, Secretary
Red square Kathy Collins, Manager, Operations Support Group
Operations Group Operations Support Group
Jeff Geouque, Manager, ITER Contracts Group
ITER Contracts Group
Jeff Geouque, Manager, SNS Contracts Group
SNS Contracts Group
Sonny Rogers, Manager, Contracts Services Group
Compliance Group Contracts Services Group
Sonny Rogers, Acting Manager, Nonproliferation & National Security Group
Nonprolif & Natl Security Nonproliferation / National Security Support Group
Cecilia Rowe, Manager, Commercial Support & Computational Sciences Groups
Commercial Section Commercial Support Group
Computational Sciences Computational Sciences Group
Red Square Christine Sullivan , Manager, Science & Technology Support Group
Energy & Engineering Sciences Science & Technology Support Group


Operations Support Group
Staff and Assignments

Kathy Collins, Manager, Operations Support Group
Operations Support Group handles Construction, Engineering and Professional Services for Business and Information Services, Community and External Relations, Counter Intelligence, Audit & Oversight, ESH&Q, Facilities and Operations, HR, Legal, Nuclear Operations, Strategic Planning, and Technology Transfer & Economic Development.

Eva Rather Eva Rather, Secretary
Joel Poteat, Team Leader (Buyer Number 31)
Construction, professional and engineering services
Cassandra Anthony (Buyer Number 1C)
Construction, professional and engineering services, demolition and decommissioning, waste management and disposal services
Steve Bowman (Buyer Number 17)
Construction, professional and engineering services
Amy Campbell (Buyer Number 1B)
Construction, professional and engineering services
John Fenton (Buyer Number 84)
Professional and engineering services
Steve Hinton (Buyer Number 90)
Construction, professional and engineering services
Beth Schilling (Buyer Number 83)
Construction, professional and engineering services
Angela Shillings (Buyer Number 28)
Construction, professional and engineering services

Nonproliferation / National Security Support Group
Staff and Assignments

Sonny Rogers, Acting Manager, Nonproliferations / National Security Support Group
MIchelle Reed Michelle Reed, Acting Secretary
Lisa Cobb, Team Leader (Buyer Number 14/23)
Focal point for the Nonproliferation & Threat Reduction Program within the Nuclear Science & Technology Division.
Bob Baird (Buyer Number 89)
Service subcontracts in support of the Center for International Threat Reduction.
  Mark Claiborne (Buyer Number 92)
Service subcontracts in support of the Center for International Threat Reduction.
  Jack Liles (Buyer Number 34)
Service subcontracts in support of the Center for International Threat Reduction.
  Jason Piller(Buyer Number 56)
Service subcontracts in support of the Center for International Threat Reduction.
  Becky Wagner (Buyer Number, 76)
Service subcontracts in support of the National Security Directorate, R&D Services, complex commodities, and equipment.

Commercial Support Group
Staff and Assignments

Cecilia Rowe, Manager, Commercial Support Group
Eva Rather, Secretary
Angie Smythe, Secretary
Clint Rash, Team Leader (Buyer Number 74)
Complex commodities and equipment.
Ellen Blackburn (Buyer Number 81)
Complex commodites and equipment.
Dave Carrington Dave Carrington (Buyer Number 72)
Complex commodities and equipment.
Janice Crippen (Buyer Number 21)
Small Purchase Card program administrator.
  Nick Crowe (Buyer Number 97)
Complex commodities and equipment.
  Kristin Harris-Heald (Buyer Number 41)
Complex commodities and equipment.
Joe Litherland  Joe Litherland (Buyer Number 42)
Complex commodities and equipment.
Melissa McBee Melissa McBee (Buyer Number 25)
Small purchases, lab and medical supplies, office furniture and machines, computer software.

Robert McNaughton (Buyer Number 36, 63)
Commercial procurements.

Candace Meade (Buyer Number 26)
Small purchases, lab and medical supplies, office furniture and machines, computer software.
Tina Moody (Buyer Number 27)
Small purchases, lab and medical supplies, office furniture and machines, computer software.
Jackie Smith (Buyer Number 87)
Administration of AVID (just in time) agreements.

Science & Technology Support Group
Staff and Assignments

Christine Sullivan , Manager, Science & Technology Support Group
Team Lead Team Leader
MIchelle Reed Tracie Curtright, Secretary
Darrell Arrington  Darrell Arrington (Buyer Number 11)
Subcontracts with the University of Tennessee.
Mitzi Bailey Mitzi Bailey (Buyer Number 32)
R&D services in support of the BioEnergy Science Center.
Shannon Bridges  Shannon Bridges (Buyer Number 85)
R&D subcontracts in materials, thermal sciences, fusion energy, and robotics.
Scarlett Clark  Scarlett Clark (Buyer Number 12)
Administrative work authorizations, memorandum purchase orders and inter-agency agreements.
Ernie Ford Ernie Ford (Buyer Number 30, 40)
R&D services, complex commodities and equipment.
Lisa Hawk  Lisa Hawk (Buyer Number 62)
R&D services, complex commodities and equipment.
Susan Horne  Susan Horne (Buyer Number 10)
Administrative work authorizations, memorandum purchase orders and inter-agency agreements.
Stacey Johnson  Stacey Johnson (Buyer Number 86)
R&D services, complex commodities and equipment for the Biological & Environmental Sciences Directorate.
Derek Miller  Derek Miller (Buyer Number 54)
Consultant subcontracts, service subcontracts with individuals.
Linda Stinnett  Linda Stinnett (Buyer Number 80)
R&D services, complex commodities and equipment.
Lynn Taylor  Lynn Taylor (Buyer Number 1A, 1E)
R&D services, complex commodities and equipment.

Computational Sciences Group
Staff and Assignments

1a Cecilia Rowe, Manager, Computational Sciences Support Group
Red square Eva Rather, Secretary
Red square Angie Smythe, Secretary
Willy Besancenez Willy Besancenez, Team Leader (Buyer Number 88)
Focal point for the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate. Responsible for all service contracts for this directorate, including all subcontracts with universities, significant equipment acquisitions, and all computer leases. Focal point for software license agreements at ORNL.
JoAnn Fitzpatrick Jo Ann Fitzpatrick (Buyer Number 96)
Subcontracts in support of the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division, including all service subcontracts, subcontracts with universities, software, and significant equipment acquisitions.
JoAnn Fitzpatrick Ashley Smith (Buyer Number 94)
Subcontracts in support of the Information Technology Services Division, including all service subcontracts, software, and significant equipment acquisitions.

ITER Contracts Group
Staff and Assignments

Jeff Geouque, Manager, ITER Contracts Group
Roy Etheridge, Team Leader(Buyer Number 1K, I4)
Jeremy Duncan (Buyer Number I6)
Kelli Kizer (Buyer Number I5)

SNS Contracts Group
Staff and Assignments

Jeff Geouque, Manager, SNS Contracts Group
Angie Calloway Angie Calloway, Secretary
Markus Camfield, Team Leader(Buyer Number 1M, 55)
Liz Lynch (Buyer Number 60)
Al Guidry (Buyer Number 1N)
Barbara Shaw (Buyer Number 24)

Contracts Services Group
Staff and Assignments

Sonny Rogers, Manager, Contracts Services Group
Michelle Reed Michelle Reed, Reports and Data Assistant , Website
Team Lead Team Leader
Mitzi Bailey Mitzi Bailey, Cost Price Analyst, SAP
Jon Bartlett, Real Estate
Dee Foust Dee Foust, Records and Reports, Website
Truman Trotter, Real Estate


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Disclaimers - Last Revised: August 14, 2008 4:32 PM