Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

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Command Chief

Meet the Command Chief, HSC Claudia Simpson

Atlantic Strike Team Command Chief C. SimpsonHSC Simpson began her military career in 1991. Her first assignment out of boot camp was the CGC Morgenthau in Alameda, Ca. She spent over two years aboard the 378 awaiting orders to Health Services Technician School; she received her Golden Dragon, Golden Shellback and Shellback certificates during this assignment. After graduation from HS A school in Petaluma Ca, she reported to Group Astoria. While serving in Astoria she volunteered for TAD assignments on the local Cutters USCGC Cowslip and USCGC Alert. Her next assignment was the Clinic at ISC Ketchikan AK. She reported there in April 1998 and volunteered for the Pharmacy Technician position, was given orders to Fort Sam Houston TX, Army Pharmacy Tech program from July 1998 to Dec 1998. In 2001 She transferred to TRACEN Petaluma and was short toured to fill a Independent Duty HS assignment on the USCGC Mackinaw WAGB 83 in June 2003, prior to the assignment she completed Independent Duty Medical Technician program at Sheppard Air Force base in Wichita Falls TX. Chief Simpson Completed a three year tour aboard the Mighty Mac, she received her permanent Cuttermen's pin and was part of the Decommissioning crew in June 2006.

July 2006 HSC was assigned to her billet with the Atlantic Strike Team as the Admin Chief. In April 2007 she assumed the Command Chief position.

Personal decorations include CG Achievement Medal (x3), CG Good Conduct Medal (x5) Permanent Cutterman's Pin and numerous other awards.

HSC Simpson is a graduate of the CPO Academy, Class CXXXVII were she was awarded the Sprit of the Chief Award.

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Last Modified 8/28/2008