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Coordinating Office for Global Health - DGPHCD

Mission, vision and
health goals
Program description Contact us  

Program Goals

Using training programs, the Field Epidemiology (and Laboratory) Training Program FE(L)TP, the Sustainable Management Training Program (SMDP) , Data for Decision Making (DDM), and other courses, we help Ministries of Health around the world build strong, effective, sustainable programs and capacity to improve public health systems on a local, regional, and national level.”

EPI Training Link

DGPHCD Program and Strategy

DGPHCD works with partners to strengthen the global public health workforce, support public health systems, and strive for program sustainability through key strategies that emphasize applying public health science and practice, and demonstrating measurable public health results. We strive to achieve these goals through the following:

Applied Epidemiology. We work with Ministries of Health (MOHs) and other public health institutions to strengthen their countries’ epidemiology workforce through residency-based programs in applied epidemiology: the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) and the Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP). A combination of classroom-based instruction and mentored practical work allows trainees to receive hands-on multi-disciplinary training in public health surveillance, outbreak investigation, laboratory management, program evaluation, and other aspects of epidemiology research and methods.

Surveillance Systems. We work with partner MOHs to strengthen their public health surveillance and response systems for priority disease conditions. FETP and FELTP trainees learn detection, confirmation, reporting, analysis and feedback of disease data, and implementation of effective public health responses in a participatory approach. As graduates, they apply these skills in their work for the MOH to operate and further strengthen the surveillance and response systems and to use the information for more effective disease detection, control, and prevention.

Public Health Leadership and Management. We help countries develop sustainable public health capacity to deliver effective leadership and management development programs through the Sustainable Management Development Program (SMDP). Through strategic partnerships with public health training institutions, faculty development in SMDP’s Management for International Public Health course, and technical program assistance, we develop leadership and management programs for public health professionals. SMDP combines experiential training and supervised applied management improvement projects to help public health professionals acquire the knowledge and skills needed to improve organizational performance, shape the public health agenda, and strengthen public health practice in their countries.

DGPHCDProgram Brochure

Partnerships and Funding

Developing partnerships is an important element of establishing, supporting, and sustaining our programs. We regularly collaborate with national and international organizations such as USAID, WHO, the Ellison Medical Foundation, and the World Bank.

To establish an FETP, we typically provide Ministries of Health with an in-country resident advisor for 4 to 6 years to help guide training and technical assistance.

In addition, countries that set up field-based training programs can collaborate with the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET) and the African Field Epidemiology Network, two non-profit organization and network alliances, to share resources and best practices among FETPs.


Our division´s teams of physicians, epidemiologists, public health advisors, management trainers, instructional designers, health communication specialists, and support staff provide scientific expertise, training consultations, and other programmatic support and advice to enable foreign Ministries of Health enhance their own health protection and health promotion programs.

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Content Source: Coordinating Office for Global Health
Page last modified: April 3, 2007