BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Events: At Your Desk

Canada First Webinar Series - Building Bridges to Prosperity

Canada is the most receptive market in the world for U.S. goods and services. If you want to expand your business and find new, ready-to-buy customers, think Canada First! A Webinar event from September - October 2008. more...

New AES Requirements Webinar Series

Various Dates - The U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division and the U.S. Commercial Service are offering a series of webinars designed to educate U.S. exporters on the new AES regulations. more...

Export Europe Webinar, September 16th

The U. S. Commercial Service and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) as teamed up to present a free webinar to explore new opportunities in Europe. more...

Webinar: China Earthquake Relief: Rebuilding Schools Sustainable, September 22

This live internet briefing explores the Sichuan earthquake reconstruction activities and how American businesses can best help China rebuild. The webinar is free but you must register more...

Archived Webinars and Webcasts

Get new market and industry information without leaving your office! more...