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Marine Patrol Officer Course - Instructor

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Radiation Detection Practical Exercise MPOC-I is a two week course designed for federal, state, and local marine patrol officers. This course is designed to cover the federal carriage equipment requirements through instructor technologies as well as conduct training on boarding procedures, boating under the influence, navigation rules, First Responder and Marine Theft Investigation classes, and water survival techniques. Graduates return to their respective states to train fellow officers as well as the public in boating safety.

During the first week, days alternate between instructional skills training and working in groups of four to develop a training session based on the federal boating safety regulations. The training skills are applied in the classroom where officers present their training session to the other officer in their class and the MPOC staff at the end of the week. The second week is devoted to training many of the "field skills" a maritime law enforcement officer must possess. Coast Guard Instructors conduct training on boarding procedures, boating under the influence, navigation rules, and water survival techniques. Outside instructors assist the MPOC staff with accident investigation (NASBLA) and Marine Theft Investigation classes (IAMI).

Course Code

None assigned

Qualification Code

None assigned


Ten training days over two weeks.


  • Adult Learning Theory
  • Instructor Skills
  • Objective Writing
  • Lesson Plan Development
  • Vessel Papers, Hull identification Numbers, Federal Documentation & Licensing
  • Federal boating safety carriage requirements
  • Boating Under the Influence Enforcement
  • Federal Firearms Law, Identification, Documentation
  • Advanced Water Survival Techniques, Performance Scenarios
  • Marine Theft Investigation
  • Boating Accident Investigation

Prerequisites for Attendance

  1. Students should be state and local law enforcement officers with boating safety responsibilities.


All waivers must be approved by COMDT CG-3PCB-2. Please contact MPOC Manager.

How to Apply


The MPOC Manager from the Office of Boating Safety at Coast Guard Headquarters sends a letter to all BLA's announcing the dates of the MPOC classes. An application packet is mailed to all BLA's who in turn selects a candidate(s) and signs and returns the application to the course manager who will review all applications and determine the candidates who will attend the course. Selected candidates will receive, via the BLA, an acceptance letter and course info packet.

The course is always evolving, constantly being fine tuned to best meet the needs of the Marine Patrol Officer. The staff works very closely with NASBLA to ensure what is being put out is what you really need to make your job easier and safer.


Class Designation
Convening Date
Graduation Date
MPOC-I 01-08
MPOC-I 02-08

Course Manager


Mr. Mike Baron
U. S. Coast Guard (CG-54222)
2100 Second Street SW
Washington, DC 20593-0001
(202) 372-1063

Last Modified 6/30/2008