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Related Feature Stories.

Yuri Carrillo 8/20/08 - Young Thinkers Get to Tinker at JPL
More than 300 students have swelled JPL's ranks this summer, hailing from high schools, community colleges, four-year universities and graduate schools across the country.

Layers of clay-rich rock 8/7/08 - Martian Clays Tell Story of a Wet Past
Layers of clay-rich rock at a potential landing site for future Mars rovers suggest a long-term history of liquid water activity, possibly including hot water, at the now-dry site.

engineer inspects scoop on robotic arm of Phoenix 5/9/08 - Intense Testing Paved Phoenix Road to Mars
When NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander descends to the surface of the Red Planet on May 25, few will be watching as closely as those who have spent years planning, analyzing and conducting tests to prepare for the dramatic and nerve-wracking event.

parachute open 4/4/08 - No Speed Limit on Mars
It's a good thing there's no speed limit on Mars, because the next parachute to fly to the red planet will deploy faster than you can legally drive on a California freeway!

Spirit's West Valley Panorama 1/2/08 - Mars Rover Keeping the Spirit at Four
NASA's Spirit rover is spending its fourth anniversary on Mars at the northern edge of a low plateau. It landed on Mars Jan. 4, 2004, Universal Time (Jan. 3, 2004, Pacific Time).

Mars 12/18/07 - Mars: Closest Approach 2007
Now playing online -- a new Martian movie showing the planet rotating. The movie was made from four images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, built and designed by JPL.

Artist's concept of Odyssey spacecraft 9/18/07 - Odyssey Returning to Service After Taking Precaution
The team operating NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter is returning the healthy spacecraft to usual activities this week after a precautionary status of reduced activity that the orbiter entered on Sept. 14.

A prototype Venus balloon in a JPL cleanroom 8/27/07 - Up, Up and Away -- To Venus
Scientists hope to learn more about climate changes here on Earth by studying Venus.

Opportunity's path on Mars 7/3/07 - Dust Delays Mars Crater Entry
A giant dust storm brewing for more than a week on Mars has become worse and is affecting surface operations of the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity.

6/15/07 - Extreme Planet Takes Its Toll on Rovers
Like Sun Belt retirees who complain about cold weather, NASA's Mars rovers are becoming less tolerant of temperature changes with age.

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