Immigration Policy and Procedural Memoranda

This page provides access to various policy and procedural memoranda which gives guidance to USCIS adjudicators in their work of processing applications and petitions for immigration benefits while still protecting national security.

You can also find a listing of memoranda by subject in the "Related Links" section of this page.


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February, 2001

Changes to Section 202 of NACARA, and HRIFA Adjustment of Status under 245(i) LIFE (127KB PDF)
Michael A. Pearson HQOPS

Post-December 21, 2000, Procedures for Aliens Who Have Been Issued Orders of Deportation of Removal and Fall Within the Classes of Aliens Made Eligible for Adjustment Under NACARA Section 202 or HRIFA under LIFE (60KB PDF)
Michael A. Pearson HQOPS

January, 2001

Adjustment of Status Under 245(i) and LIFE (854KB PDF)
Michael D. Cronin HQOPS and attachments by Robert L. Bach HQOPP

Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (69KB PDF)
Thomas E. Cook HQADN

November, 2000

Guidance on Processing Petitions for Adopted Alien Children Less Than 18 Years of Age Considered a "Child" Under the Immigration and Nationality Act Through Public Law 106-139 (81KB PDF)
Michael A. Pearson HQADN

March, 2000

AFM Update - Immigrant Investor Petitions (65KB PDF)
Michael A. Pearson /s/ Dominica Guiterrez HQOPS (EB-5 Immigrant Investor)

December, 1998

Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (1992KB PDF)
Jeff Weiss HQOIA

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