NSLS-II Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee Meeting

October 8 - 9, 2007

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Charge to the Committee

Monday, October 8, 2007  Building 817, Conference Room 4

08:30 Executive Session  
09:00 Welcome and Recent Project Developments S. Dierker
09:30 Charge and Response to Last ASAC F. Willeke
10:00 Accelerator Systems Overview F. Willeke
10:30 Break  
11:00 NSLS-II Lattice Optimization S. Kramer
11:30 Influence of Insertion Devices on Dynamic Aperture and Beam Lifetime J. Bengtsson
12:00 Impedance Calculations A. Blendnykh
12:30 Lunch  
01:30 Beam Orbit Stability and Stability Control L.-H. Hua
02:00 Diagnostic and Feedback System Update O. Singh
02:30 Preliminary Design of Injector Complex T. Shaftan
03:00 Vacuum System and Front-end Preliminary Engineering Design H. Hseuh
03:30 Break  
04:00 Progress in Preliminary Magnet Design and Prototyping J. Skaritka
04:30 Recent Changes and Results in Insertion Device Design T. Tanabe
05:30 Executive Session  
07:00 Dinner at Desmond's Inn at East Wind, Wading River, NY  

Tuesday, October 9, 2007  Building 817, Conference Room 4

08:30 Controls B. Dalesio
09:00 Executive Session  
11:45 Close-out  
12:30 Adjourn  

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
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