Fossil Record of Elaphidiini

Description of TribeGenera of ElaphidiiniKey to GeneraTaxonomic HistoryBiology & Natural HistoryDistribution & DiversityDiagnosis of TribeFossil Elaphidiini

The Elaphidiini have a poor fossil record with North American examples known only from Florissant, Colorado (Linsley, 1942). I examined in the MCZC two of the three described fossil species of Elaphidiini, Anelaphus extinctus (Wickham) and Stenosphenus pristinus Wickham (Fig. 11). I have compared my observations with those of Wickham (1914) and have concluded that these fossils convey insufficient information for inclusion in the phylogenetic analyses. These taxa, along with Elaphidion fracticorne Wickham, should be designated incertae sedis at the level of genus.

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Text by Steven W. Lingafelter
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Based on a site created by Jennifer E. Fairman June 15, 1997.