Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Miscellaneous Checklists of the United States

Mingo National Wildlife Refuge

small state map showing location

Puxico, Missouri


Mingo Refuge has a wide variety of upland and lowland habitats. As a result many different kinds of trees and shrubs grow here. Of special interest are the State and National Champions found on the refuge. These trees (the largest of their kind that have been found) range in size from a Champion Spicebush only 12 feet tall to the National Champion Drummond Red Maple at 100 feet tall.

* - State Champion
** - National Champion

___ White Pine                            ___ Sassafras
___ Shortleaf Pine                        ___ Spicebush**

___ Baldcypress                           ___ Kentucky Coffee Tree
                                          ___ Honey Locust
___ Eastern Redcedar                      ___ Water Locust**
                                          ___ Redbud
___ Black Willow                          ___ False Indigo
___ Wards Willow                          ___ Black Locust
___ Swamp Cottonwood*                               
___ Eastern Cottonwood                    ___ Sweetgum

___ Black Walnut                          ___ Sycamore   
___ Butternut                                        
___ Water Hickory*                        ___ Green Hawthorne  
___ Bitternut Hickory                     ___ Wild Plum       
___ Shagbark Hickory*                     ___ Black Cherry     
___ Shellbark Hickory                                     
___ Pignut Hickory                        ___ Hoptree   

___ Hazelnut                              ___ Smooth Sumac
___ Hop Hornbeam                          ___ Winged Sumac   
___ American Hornbeam*                                     
___ River Birch                           ___ Deciduous Holly  

___ Chinese Chestnut                      ___ Eastern Wahoo       

___ White Oak                             ___ American Bladdenut
___ Post Oak                                     
___ Overcup Oak*                          ___ Sugar Maple  
___ Bur Oak                               ___ Red Maple** (Drummond)
___ Swamp White Oak                       ___ Silver Maple   
___ Swamp Chestnut Oak                    ___ Boxelder     
___ Shingle Oak                                     
___ Willow Oak                            ___ Ohio Buckeye
___ Water Oak*                            ___ Red Buckeye
___ Blackjack Oak                                     
___ Cherrybark Oak                        ___ Carolina Buckthorn     
___ Black Oak                                     
___ Scarlet Oak                           ___ Basswood
___ Schumard Oak                                     
___ Pin Oak                               ___ Devil's Walkingstick*
___ Northern Red Oak                                     
                                          ___ Flowering Dogwood
___ American Elm                          ___ Stiff Dogwood
___ Winged Elm                            ___ Water Tupelo
___ Slippery Elm                          ___ Blackgum*
___ Planer Tree*                                  
___ Hack Berry                            ___ Persimmon
___ Sugar Berry                                     
                                          ___ White Ash
___ Red Mulberry                          ___ Pumpkin Ash
                                          ___ Green Ash
___ Osage Orange                          ___ Swamp Privet

___ Yellow Poplar                         ___ Buttonbush

___ Pawpaw                                ___ American Elder

For additional information contact:
                 Refuge Manager
                 Mingo National Wildlife Refuge
                 24279 State Highway 51
                 Puxico, Missouri 63960

This resource is based on the following source:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1994.  Trees and shrubs of Mingo National 
     Wildlife Refuge, Puxico, Missouri.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1 
This resource should be cited as:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1994.  Trees and shrubs of Mingo National 
     Wildlife Refuge, Puxico, Missouri.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1
     page.  Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 22MAY98).

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