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December 2007 Ice Storm-- Oklahoma 2-1-1 Fact Sheet Summary


2-1-1 Really Helps!            Natalea's Story

I was feeling pretty desperate.  So when I heard getting help was easier than 1-2-3, I thought it sounded too good to be true.  It wasn’t!  It was 2-1-1. 

My elderly father suffered a brain injury and was released from the hospital weeks before I had found the resources he needed in Texas.  I knew from my work with United Way in Oklahoma that there had to be agencies to help but how could I find the names and numbers from so far away?

 “Try 2-1-1” suggested a Texas United Way director.  I did just that after 4pm on a Friday afternoon.  By 5:00, I had the names of four agencies and had registered my dad with three of them.  The 2-1-1 director asked if she could call back in seven days to see if we needed more help.  In the weeks and months that followed respite care, assistance in registering for Medicare Part D and a critical neuro-psych evaluation were arranged through the Area Agency on Aging, Disabled and Aging Rehabilitative Services, the Center for Independent Living and even the Department of Veterans Affairs.

 Getting the names and numbers of agencies I would never have known about was very helpful, but the truly valuable part of 2-1-1 was the attention to detail that told me to talk to Judy at A.A.A. and Cristy at DARS so I wasn’t at the mercy of endless phone tree menus of services that didn’t quite match my situation. 

2-1-1 is the logical and humane interface between people who need help and the resources already in place to provide assistance.  It’s the way Oklahoma can make its current services more productive and effective by helping desperate people find them.

What is 2-1-1?

2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities. While services that are offered through 2-1-1 vary from community to community, 2-1-1 provides callers with information about and referrals to human services for every day needs and in times of crisis.

Our Mission

The Oklahoma 2-1-1 Advisory Collaborative is committed to the implementation of single points of entry to health and human services in all regions of the state. 2-1-1 telephone information and referral is intended to increase access in a manner that is consistent with the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) standards and, in its final stage, be accessible and usable by all people in Oklahoma.


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