/* In general, everything's read from STEMPLATE.NSF so you don't need to copy these pages into individual databases. */ TEXTAREA, SELECT { color: #808080; background-color: transparent; font: bold 8pt verdana; border: 1px solid #808080; } INPUT { color: #808080; background-color: white; font: 8pt verdana; border: 1px solid #808080; } P {color: black} .ChkBox { border: none } .Default TH { COLOR: #003366; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; } .Default TD { COLOR: #003366; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; } /* ----- ToolBar ------- This is used for the left-hand navigator in the HOMETEST.NSF database. */ .ToolBar { /* COLOR: white; */ /* BACKGROUND-COLOR: #0000CC; */ COLOR: black; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #D3D3D3; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; TEXT-ALIGN: center; HEIGHT:40%; } .ToolBar A:link { /* COLOR: white; */ COLOR: black; TEXT-DECORATION: none; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; TEXT-WRAP:none; FONT-SIZE: 65%; } .ToolBar A:visited { /* COLOR: white; */ COLOR: black; TEXT-DECORATION: none; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; FONT-SIZE: 65%; } .ToolBar A:hover { /* COLOR: #FCE842; */ COLOR: white; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } .ToolBar A:active { /* COLOR: #FCE842; */ COLOR: black; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } /* ------- ToolBarHere --------- This is used on the left-hand navigator when the page is the highlighted item. */ .ToolBarHere { /* COLOR: white; */ /* BACKGROUND-COLOR: red; */ COLOR: white; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #696969; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; TEXT-ALIGN: center; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; HEIGHT:40%; } .ToolBarHere A:link { /* COLOR: white; */ COLOR: white; TEXT-DECORATION: none; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; TEXT-WRAP:none; FONT-SIZE: 65%; } .ToolBarHere A:visited { /* COLOR: white; */ COLOR: white; TEXT-DECORATION: none; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; FONT-SIZE: 65%; } .ToolBarHere A:hover { TEXT-DECORATION: none; /* COLOR: blue; */ /* BACKGROUND-COLOR: red; */ COLOR: black; /* BACKGROUND-COLOR: gray; */ FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } /* .ToolBarHere A:active { COLOR: #FCE842; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } */ /* ---- ToolBarGLOBUS ----- This is used for the top navigator bar on GLOBUS pages (SLIGHTLY OLDER DESIGN) */ .ToolBarGLOBUS { COLOR: white; TEXT-DECORATION: none; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFBF18; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; TEXT-ALIGN: center; FONT-WEIGHT: 700; FONT-SIZE: 65% HEIGHT:40%; } .ToolBarGLOBUS A:hover { TEXT-DECORATION: none; COLOR: White; FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } /* -------- TopNavBarGLOBUS This is used for the newer top/bottom view navigation bar on GLOBUS pages */ .TopNavBarGLOBUS { TEXT-DECORATION: none; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFBF18; TEXT-ALIGN: center FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } FONT-SIZE: 13px; } .TopNavBarGLOBUS A:hover { TEXT-DECORATION: none; COLOR: White; FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } .TopNavPrevNextGLOBUS { TEXT-DECORATION: none; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F7F703; TEXT-ALIGN: center FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } FONT-SIZE: 13px; } /* -------- TopNavBarSOTN This is used for the newer top/bottom view navigation bar on SOTN pages */ .TopNavBarSOTN { TEXT-DECORATION: none; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #00C1C2; TEXT-ALIGN: center FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } FONT-SIZE: 13px; } .TopNavBarSOTN A:hover { TEXT-DECORATION: none; COLOR: White; FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } .TopNavPrevNextSOTN { TEXT-DECORATION: none; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F7F703; TEXT-ALIGN: center FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; FONT-WEIGHT: 800; } FONT-SIZE: 13px; } /* --------- RecentFileTable This is the embedded view table which shows up on some pages. */ .RecentFileTable { TEXT-DECORATION: none; FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 13px; } .RecentFileTable A:hover { Color: Red; } /* -- Had been the following .RecentFileTable TH { Background-Color: #0000CC; Color: White; } .RecentFileTable TD { Background-Color: #ffefce; } --- */ .RecentFileTable TH { Background-Color: #9dcece; Color: #008080; } /* --------- HotReleasesTable cells For multi-column list of files coming out. */ .HotReleasesTable { TEXT-DECORATION: none; FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 13px; } .HotReleasesCell TD { Background-Color: #ffefce; } .DailyReleasesCell TD { Background-Color: #87CEFA; } /* ---------------------------- Program select for MISCFILES view template ----------------------- */ .PgmSelect { Font-Size: 6pt; Font-Weight: Normal; } /* Style settings for Distance Learning Center*/ /* P { Color : #505050; Font : 8pt verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif ! important; } */ OL { Font-Size : 8pt; } H1 { Font-Size : small; Font-Weight : bold; Text-Transform : uppercase; Color : #5A5AA5; } H2 { Font-Size : smaller; Font-Weight : bold; Text-Transform : uppercase; } #idGray{ Color : #505050; } #idTeal{ Color : #009999; } B { Font-Weight : bold; } BUTTON { Font-Size: smaller; } .title { Font-Size : 8pt; Font-Weight : bold; Text-Transform : uppercase; Color : #5A5AA5; } .navigator { Font : 8pt Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } .navigator:visited { Text-Decoration : none; } .Default { FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 65%; TEXT-DECORATION: none; TEXT-INDENT: 0pt FONT-WEIGHT: normal; } .copyright { Font : 8pt Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } A.close { Font-Size : 8pt; Font-Weight : bold; } A.close:hover{ Color : #FFFFFF; Text-Decoration : none; } .tabletitle{ Font-Size : 8pt; Font-Weight : bold; Color : #020266; } A.tabletitle:hover{ Color : #FFFFFF; Text-Decoration : none; } A.tabletitle:active{ Color : #FFFFFF; } /* A{ Color : #000000; Text-Decoration : underline; } */ A:visited{ } /* A:active{ Color : #000000; } */ /* A:hover{ Color : #000000; Text-Decoration : none; } */ A.appendix{ Font-Weight : bold; Text-Decoration : none; } A.appendix:visited{ Text-Decoration : none; } .Popup input.button:hover { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #00C1C2; font: bold 8pt verdana; background: #933; border-color: white; } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 1:04:50 Sep 16, 2008 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 1:40:24 May 18, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */